
When you see your stopping point do you suddenly feel weaker?

by  |  earlier

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A stop sign is where I stop running, but once I see it I suddenly get tired, breathing harder and get a rushing feeling, but if I make the next stop sign further up the stopping point, I feel fine and run past the original stop point.




  1. no i start sprinting always race the clock the clock is an imaginary opponent

  2. it sounds like a mental thing. You know that you are going to be stopping soon so your body is getting ready to finish. If it works for you to finish past the finish keep doing it. Good luck

  3. I do the same thing. Its to do with self esteem really, you see it and think i cant be bothered or i cant make it. Make your stopping point further that way you will not worry about it. Or what i do when i get to approx 100m or so away from it i sprint as hard as i can to get to it.. usually helps :)

  4. I think it's common because you know that your run is almost up. As the person above said, I normally do the opposite of what my mind wants and just sprint as hard as I can.

    Firstly you reach it quicker so you can stop sooner, and also it gives a great feeling of achievement at the end.

  5. I feel the opposite most of the times. You know you are almost done with your run and can relax soon, that will give you the motivation. I have never experienced the opposite even when I just started running.

  6. Think of the stopping point as the finishline and you are racing with someone else. Or try taking on the mindset that the fast I get to the stopping point, the sooner I can rest.

  7. yes ...i feel the same................good question

  8. well in practice we learned that when you see your stopping point think about something you really want and imagine it there it makes you go faster and then you will not slow down you will either stay at that pace or become much faster and yes when you are tired and are not in a good mood that can happen

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