
When you set a table where does the fork go, the napkin, and knife go????

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When you set a table where does the fork go, the napkin, and knife go????




  1. The fork is on the left side of the plate.  Place the napkin folded under the fork.  Knife and spoon are on the right side.  Knife is closest to the plate.  Fork tines pointing up. Knife sharp edge inward.  Spoon bowl up.

  2. Fork is always on the left (4 letters in fork, 4 letters in left)

    same goes for knife - right side (5 letters in knife, 5 letters in right).. see..

    Napkin goes on fork/left side & drink goes above knife side & appetizer or salad plate goe above the fork on left.

  3. the fork goes on the napkin to the left, the knife then spoon are to the right, with the knife being the closest to the plate

  4. The fork goes on top of your napkin to the left of the plate and then to the right of the plate first is the knife and then to the right of the knife is where you put the spoon! Sometimes people put the spoon horizontally above the plate, but that is up to you!

  5. yes it goes on the left, than knife and tea spoon on the right, blade of the knife points to the plate, dessert spoon or fork over the top of the plate, you can go to photobucket and search place settings and it will show a picture

  6. Fork(s) to the very left of the plate;  knife to the immediate right of the plate, with spoons right of them.  If you have more than one fork (salad, dinner, dessert) or spoon (soup, entree, dessert) you place the one you use FIRST to the outside, working in towards the plate.   If you have a separate bread plate above the dinner plate, you can place a butter knife across that plate.......  Napkin goes under the forks, or decoratively folded on the plate.  You can even pleat it and decoratively put it into one of the glasses...

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