
When you speak, do you speak from your heart, or your loins?

by Guest64275  |  earlier

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ssıʞ ♥ kiss




  1. Guido speaks from his gonads.

    Grade 12 biology has finally paid off.


  2. heart

  3. I like the word "loin", lol but always the heart!


  4. Oh man I hear about the questions posting....

    I only have one but I don't know what it is....I think it's a heart.

  5. my loins do all the talking. i know what u mean sweetie

  6. what are lions

  7. My heart always my heart

  8. I speak from da heart!

  9. Loins, mostly.

  10. My loins never for my heart....well, lest just say it's in trouble right now.

    Loins 4 Life

  11. I'm hispanic so it's from the loins lol.

  12. I speak everything from the heart- both good and bad.

    Why don't your wonderful questions ever post darlin'? d**n Yahoo!

  13. speak from my heart..

  14. loins have a direct connection to my heart.

  15. used to speak with my my heart....

  16. The heart of my loins


  17. I think My heart and eyes,,,,  But when my loins are speaking   my  heart is Pumping,,,,,,P.S. I have a cat,, no Loins

  18. speak from the heart


  19. It depends  on the origin of my conversation

  20. My heart and my head..

    the one ABOVE my shoulders I mean.

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