
When you speak,where does the words come from?

by  |  earlier

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....your heart or your brain,and how do you explain its concept

of the brain or the heart being able to speak?




  1. I'm not quite sure of what you are asking. Your heart just pumps blood throughout your body while your brain decides what to speak. Words are generated by air passing through your vocal cords from your lungs.

  2. Language originates in the Broca Region of the Left Hemisphere of the brain...

    Humans, who have the unique ability to control their breathing, do so with the aid of a Hyoid bone, which has descended into our Larynx!

    The heart is simply a physical pump. Emotions also originate towards the back of the brain, just as in other primates, dogs and horses, who have it developed to a lesser degree...

  3. People when for a very long time thinking that the heart was the center for thought. That is why the Egyptians threw away the brain and put the heart in a container. I can not understand their misconception but you must understand. One side of the brain thinks in words and the other side thinks in pictures or symbols. The word side is slow and the symbol side is much faster. The symbol side takes over in emergency and is the reason why we seem not to think but just react. The word side thinks about the sounds and not the picture of the word. We do have a center for sound creation. We do not have the same for written word. So one side associates sound to an object and the other side inputs a symbol or picture to the sound which is associated to the object we see. Some people can be told how to do something and remember but others need to read how to do

    something to remember. That is why when you teach it is best to have a teacher tell and students, also, read. Two sides, two methods. Combined -learning.

  4. I think he is meaning if your language starts with a thinking process, or you just talk and talk.

    Is this what you mean?

  5. Your heart pumps blood through your veins and arteries.  It has nothing whatsoever to do with emotions, thoughts, or words.

    When you speak, your brain sends signals through your nervous system.  Your diaphragm contracts, forcing air out of your lungs.  Simultaneously, muscles in your throat pull your vocal cords taut.  The air moving over them causes them to vibrate, producing sound.

  6. Brain forms thought. If one wishes to express that though verbally, a signal is sent to the vocal chords, and said thought is converted to...words. *poof* Magic!

  7. hmm i dont know..i think from brain because i dont know. that's just the way it is i guess

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