
When you stand 2m in front of a full length mirror, your image is ?

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can you please help me...i really do not know the answer...




  1. 2m behind it, upright

  2. Virtual and 2m behind the mirror , same direction, same magnitude

  3. still only a reflection.

  4. The image produced by a plane mirror is:-

    The same size as the object

    The same distance behind the mirror as the object is in front

    The same way up as the object.


    Your image will be:-


    The same size as yourself

    2m behind the mirror ( so 4m away from you)

    The same way up as you are.

    Virtual  -  your image is not really there. If someone else looked behind the mirror  there is no image there. It is an illusion caused by the way  

    that a plane mirror reflects light. Light is reflected from the mirror and behaves like it has come from something behind it.

  5. 2m only.The fact is objects from far distances appear smaller to your eyes as the distance increase.So, you can see clearly in a mirror when you are closer.Hmmm?

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