
When you start a job as waitstaff, How heavy are the plates tray etc, do you gradually learn to balance?

by  |  earlier

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How many plates do you usually bring at once? Is there a set procedure you will be taught to carry what looks like a massive amount of stuff to balance to a table like a jugglers act or a circus feat? And will you have a special tray that helps?




  1. It depends on where you work. I worked at the melting pot and I had consistently 75lbs trays. Other places i worked they were like 10 lbs. Balancing is hard at first. It is a skill and you will learn it. My first table I spilt a coke on a mans cashmier jacket. I know can carry things in such crazy ways it would baffle most. Try carrying 4 cups ful of water in one hand. I can do it lol. How that helps me in pmy future is beyond me. Just work hard and be eager to learn. Word of advice, dont wait tables ina small town.... its  a bad idea.

  2. i have worked in restaurants for 25 years they will teach you to carry it is easy once you get used to it it is all a balance thing and you will be able to at least carry 3 dishes in 1 hand and 1 dish in other hand ,and if you carry with a large tray they hold about 8 dishes heavy but it is doable

    good luck

  3. some restaurants use food trays, some dont.  yes, there are a few tricks on how to hold several plates at once and they should show you that.  you shouldnt be expected to carry 5 right away but you will be able to in short time.  i carry 2 in my left hand, then rest a third over the edges of the 2 in my hands, using my wrist and lower arm to support the third plate.  sometimes a smaller plate on top of those centered pretty much in the middle of the 3 but trying not to crush the food on the plates below.  then can carry 2 more in my right hand depending on the weight.  i find the "dismount" the most difficult lol.  good luck-you will do fine.  just keep practicing and getting hints from other servers.  hope you work w/a nice crew!

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