
When you start feeling depression creep up on you, what helps you get your mind off of it?

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When you start feeling depression creep up on you, what helps you get your mind off of it?




  1. Listen to your favorite music and think postive, its the ultimate cure to depression and stress and its totally free.

  2. If Im at home I'll try to do anything to keep my mind occupied so Im not just sitting around and thinking. I'll play on my DS, come on here and answer other people's questions.  I find walking really helps and I try to get out-even if its to go to the local shop to buy a small silly item.

    Sometimes I get so into what Im doing before I know it I'll noticed my mood has lifted.  When Im too low and cant seem to snap out of it though sometimes I just have to lay down and ride it out.  But remember it will pass :)

  3. Get involved in something. Do you have a dog? If so take him for a walk. Go outside (getting sunlight helps). Call a friend. Just do something to turn your mind onto something else.


  4. s*x.

    it actually realeses those happy hormones(endorphins? I hope i got it right!)

    but anyways,exercise can also release them too.

    everyone is different, keeping busy helps,going out...talking to someone...or taking up a hobby...writing in a journal..

  5. celexa

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