
When you started riding what were some horse terms you didn't know?

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I am working on a project and need horse terms that are confusing to beginner riders or nonhorse people...can anyone remember some terms that were confusing when you started working with horses?




  1. As soon as I could read, I started to read everything I could get my pudgy little hands on, so I knew a lot of terminology before I actually started riding and got my first pony (age 8).

    One of my horsecare books advised  to  put a "sheet" on your horse after bathing him, if it were cool out, so I went in the house and took one of my Mom's  nice bedsheets from the linen closet and used it to cover him, after his bath.  I tried to tie it on with baling string.  Fortunately my Mom was really nice, and just laughed.  She took a picture of him wearing her bedsheet.

    Here's a list of terms that many beginners often find confusing or hard to remember:

    Near v. off side

    Inside v. outside aids






    bridle v. bit

    Non-horses people:

    Difference between a pony and young horse

    Difference between a colt and stallion, filly and  mare

    Confusing Thoroughbred and "purebred"

  2. Lots ...



    lead rope



    Post trot


    2 point

    lead change (any leads at that matter)



    "pick out the feet"

    "tack up"



    rain rot


    the list goes on and on cause when i was 15 and started taking lessons, it seemed like another language. Especially cause i was a drowned over city girl at the time. Looking back, i have learned so much.

  3. collection






    two point

    three point

    ralease over jump

  4. When I was little (like, 6 or 7) I would get "breeding" and "boarding" mixed up.  I really wanted my own horse but had no barn of my own, so I asked the local trail riding barn how much breeding cost per month.  I remember thinking it was odd that the owner had such a strange reaction to my question...  :)

    Non-horse people often confuse "pony" with "foal", thinking they are synonyms.  Gender terms (colt, filly, mare, gelding, stallion) are confusing to non-horse people, too, it seems.

  5. frame.





    i didn't know there wasn't such a thing as a white horse, and even if they were white they were called gray's.

    i didn't understand why there were show names and barn names.

    getting too deep

    leaving long

    falling in


  6. Hiya

    When i first started I was confused about:

    - What a diagonal was?

    - What a collective trot was?

    - Different names of brushes - E.G Curry comb, dandy brush.

    - Horse illnesses and diseases

    - What lame meant?

    - How often horses need to be shod?

    - The tack - saddle and briddle

    - What 'turn out' meant?

    Erm cant think of anymore at the momment ill add some more in soon.....

  7. I was confused about:


    -martin gale






    Hope I helped! I know this stuff now!

    ~With Love

  8. diagonals


    stud billets ( I thought it was something to do with breeding !)

    I always mixed fetlocks and forelocks up

    straw and hay

    hay and haylage

  9. some terms about horses i didn't know were

    barrel,frog,forelock- parts of a horses

    dressage-type of riding

    girth,stirrups,horn(only on western saddle),

    i also didn't know what a halter was

    but i know all these things now hope i helped some

  10. "trotting on the diagonal" - i had nooo idea what this meant lol

    "giving the horse his head" - didn't understand this until i started riding

    "does he have a coggins!?" horses can't be transfered without N/coggin papers

    "half seat and 2 point" - i was a western rider for a year and i knew nothing about english jumping

    "floating his teeth" - yeah i learned this when i was a begginer =)

    most of the confusing terms came when i was actually riding the horse

    everything else is pretty much common sense! =)

    oh and i live in a very NON horsey family and when i bought my first pony everyone thought he was just a baby! haha but really he was 10 years old

    for some reason every thinks a pony is a baby horse???

  11. Anything that isn't in plain english will confuse someone. Just simplify every thing. I live with non horse people and the simpler the better.

  12. diagonal




    types of brushes, and what order to use them in

  13. when you kiss to a horse it makes it go and if make a nois with your cheek it will go and  if you say trott is will trott

  14. like when i first started i didnt no what the following things were

    - strapping



    -forelock(i called it a fringe)

    -chestnut (i called all these horses ginger)

    i think thats about it...

  15. Well maybe like hands high/hh, ummmmmmmm.....its so hard to think all the way back lol. Breeds? Colors? Dressage? Difference between Hunter and Jumper? 2 point. Gelding vs. stallion.

    Hope this helped!


  16. The most confusing for me was medical terms.




  17. Collection, I had no idea what that meant.

  18. diagonals

    floating the teeth

    turn out

    collect your horse

    2 point



  19. collective trot i still dont know what that is i dont know al ot but i have been around horses my hole life coggins what does that mean and how can you tell if they have please someone tell me i swear im a blond no offise and what leads you are on and so on like that

  20. nahhhhhhhh

  21. -diagonal

    -counter canter




    -cantering on the right leg

    -martin gale




    -how to tack up



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