
When you started running track did you train first or just went out to track tryouts and ran & made the team?

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I mean track and field. But I was just curious. I am thinking of running winter track and spring track but I wasn't sure if I should train or not. If so how? How do you start off running to train?




  1. Most track teams dont have tryouts, just everyone gets in

    I don't know how fast you can sprint, but regardless you should probably just try to jog a couple miles every day until track starts.

    Maybe do some sprinting repeats.

    In the end, you're going to kick yourself if you didn't train and you suck because of it.

    But yes, deffinantly train. Just like every other sport it takes practice.

  2. you should definitely train first, not just for making the team, but so you are in shape before you start, to prevent injuries and help you so you dont feel like your dying when you start!!   I dont know how old you are or if you are in high school or what? But i would suggest start jogging a few times a week, work your way up till you can run an easy 2 miles, also switch on and off and spend a day or two a week doing sprints, start of easy just 1-2, then work your way up.  Always start out easy! It is very easy to get shin-splints (pain in shin that gets worse) if you start out too hard, thats why it is best for you to start training now and get in shape.

  3. The first time I joined the indoor track team I had no training at all, and a 2-mile warmup run nearly killed me. It took me a couple weeks to be in good enough shape to make the team as a scrub, not a scorer.

    But it depends on what your event is. If it's sprints, it's not so important to have a high level of cardio endurance at the start. If it's any distance, put in 15 to 20 miles a week, depending on whatever's relaxed and easy, starting about 3 weeks before the season starts, and you'll have a bit of an edge.

    One other thing, if your team is into weights, do some weight training for a few weeks beforehand too... and lift for strength: high weight, low reps.

  4. If your track team is any good

    you should definitely train first

    I mean if you don't make the team, you will never have to worry about training...

  5. My high school was small, so they took anyone.

    College and universities required tryouts, so I would train before open tryouts.

  6. You should always do something first. Otherwise when you are really having a tough time you will want to quit.

    Going into a sport with some endurance will make it SOOOOOO much more fun. Going out of shape really bites.

    I have done it both ways and trust me on this one. Do a little leg work and you will really be happy you did.

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