
When you strip away, worries, fears, desires and all other preoccupations of the conscious mind, what is left?

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When you strip away, worries, fears, desires and all other preoccupations of the conscious mind, what is left?




  1. the unconcious and subconcious minds, both with their different aspects. the concious mind is only the first wall to the fortress of your mind.

  2. A computer...

  3. contentment

  4. unpolluted mind...personal satisfaction with all things...

  5. peace of mind

  6. TAO

  7. The observer

  8. Peace.   Ahhhhh.

    It doesn't ever last though.  That's life...


  9. zen, the sound of one hand clapping..

  10. Nirvana according to Buddhist ideology. Peace? I suppose you can't ever be like this because even the thought of it, this question at least, there is a preoccupation. Unless you were in a state where you weren't thinking of it, you wouldn't be thinking of this thought, and so you wouldn't be able to consider this question at all.

  11. Nothing that makes, us as human beings, unique.  I believe that it is through the varing combination of all these factors that gives  us our great inventions and our constantly changing society.  Without we would be analytical robots and all the same.

  12. Perhaps a sense of humor because I laughed when I read your question.

  13. A quivering mass of schizophrenic jelly. Don't do it!

    Cling to your hatred and insecurity. What will we do without the war machine? Enjoy peace and quiet and nature?  

  14. Example: ( amygdala destroyed, brain trauma, abnormal psychology)

    All that would be left is consciousness.

    However, without anything to drive it, you would simply exist until something killed you or you dehydrated.

  15. Peace.

  16. There are thoughts, and then, there are the spaces between your thoughts. An enlightened 'buddha-mind', is empty of all the unnecessary thoughts, that vex the mind, and make the heart sore. All that is left, is the universal consciousness-- that is, the spaces between your thoughts, or the naked, universal mind. A person whose consciousness is governed by this universal mind is morally perfect, and completely spontaneous. He/she is linked to all that is, by the universal mind, and naturally conscious (on a deep level, beyond thought) of being so.

    The space between thoughts, is the same in all sentient beings-- beyond knowledge, beyond worldly cares, beyond desire, beyond everything-- it is the Great Soul Drop, of which all matter is composed, on the sub-sub-atomic level. Everything in creation is composed of the space between thoughts-- the universal voidness. This is the great secret (so I hear!)

    PS- Without thoughts, one might wonder, 'how will I know when to get up and make a sandwich? or set the alarm clock?' No worries!... it takes billions of reincarnations, for most people to reach the point of no thought, or Buddhahood. Also, (according to 'Wisdom of the Buddha') your actions at this point (the point of no thought) are governed by previous tendencies, retained from previous stages of conciousness... so, all actions are spontaneous, perfect, and require no thoughts, to motivate them...

  17. Peace and infinite space, and a feeling of being one with the entire universe.

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