
When you take out a loan does it bother you that you do not know exactly who is lending you the money?

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I have noticed when I tool out my last loan it was from a name that I knew well but when I went into further deatil I found that it was a trading name for a bank i utterley detest




  1. Thats one small example of why the world economy is up the **** at the moment

  2. What kind of loan?  Lenders often resell home loans, but they usually disclose that upfront (not sure if that disclosure is required).  You have no choice in the matter unless you refi with someone else for additional closing costs.  And then there is no guaranty that lender will not resell your loan.

    What really got the country into financial crisis was lenders giving risky loans to anyone with a pulse, then playing hot potato trying to get rid of them by bundling them up, and others buying them using margin.

    Of course with all the bank mergers, other accounts can end up at banks you may not like.

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