
When you take your g2 road test what do they look for and what are some of the things u have 2 do??

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When you take your g2 road test what do they look for and what are some of the things u have 2 do??




  1. Although it is not specifically defined in the Ontario driver's handbook, the main things an examiner will look for are: 1) how well you handle the vehicle and  2) how well you follow directions.

    Here in the US, most states have a 2-part road test. The first part covers the basic skills of backing up, an emergency stop and some parking maneuvers. The second part is the actual road course - driving in traffic.  In order to see what you can expect, I strongly recommend that you go to the DMV and follow a road test in progress - see where it goes and what maneuvers are involved.  That way there shouldn't be any surprises.

    All the best.

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