
When you take your temperature

by  |  earlier

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Ok so when you take your temp. to figure out when you ovulate, I know it has to be at the same time everyday, but does it matter what time of the day you do it at? My husband works nights so we're kind of on a weird schedule (go to sleep around 3/4am wake up at about noon) do I do take my temp when I wake up or should I set an alarm and do it earlier like 8am, or does it really matter what time as long as it's the same time everyday. Thanks in advanced ***baby dust to all***




  1. You take your temp when you first wakeup before you even get out of bed to do anything at all.  It works best if you have been laying still sleeping for about 6 hrs.  

  2. I dont know how it works but I have always been told as soon as you wake up in the morning before you even sit up or anything. I dont know why it has to be like that but I have been told that if you get up and go to the bathroom and come back and do it, it wont be accurate.. Dont really know how much truth there is to it but thats just what I have heard. *** babydust back to you***

  3. Fist   thing in the morning   ..

    no  moving ,  standing , ext  have  it  always   next  to  your  bed , also  you have  to  have   sleep  over more  than  3  hour.  

    good luck  

  4. i heard ovulation tests work better than taking your temperature. Some women ovulate 2 weeks before their period. The test are about $40 a box, but it could be worth it in the end. You will then know when you are ovulating.

  5. My sugestion is to keep your thermometer on your night stand or bedside table and take it when you wake up before you uncover or before put your feet on the floor.  This way you have had no activity to raise your temp therefore giving youa false reading...this is what my doc told me...

  6. It doesn't matter so much if you take your temperature in the afternoon, so long as you've been asleep for around 6 hours or so and make sure you take it as soon as you wake up (preferably at the same time) before you get out of bed and start moving around.

    This is a really great way to help identify your ovulation.  I used this method with both my pregnancies and fell pregnant within 2 months of using it both times.

    Good Luck!

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