
When you tell a little lie, what small gesture is the one that.. .....

by  |  earlier

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..."betrays" that you are not being sincere ??

When I tell a little lie, I usually avoid looking them in the eye!




  1. Lies don't come in sizes nor do they come in colors!  I know when someone is lying to me just by watching their body language, especially their not being able to look me in the eye.  

  2. I focused on getting rid of mine, so now no one knows when I lie.

    Mine was running my fingers through my hair.

  3. My inflection usually is the thing which betrays my lack of conviction. I can look someone in the eye if I have to, but as phoenix noted earlier my tone of voice doesn't convey that I really believe what I'm saying.

  4. I teach "microexpressions" to my psych class.  If you search that term on youtube you will find some cool videos.

  5. i m********e

  6. I smile and laugh...and usually end up telling those closest to me as to let them see right through me.

  7. i have never lied......

    ........never in my life....

    ...i don't even know what lying is....

  8. Haha, I like this question!! It's good. :) It's fun to answer...

    Hmm...for me, when I tell a lie, either big or small, I'm moving, lol. I start occupying myself with things but sometimes it becomes obvious because if I have nothing to do, I start fidgeting, lol. :) But I try to stop myself =/

  9. I sit on my hands

  10. i usually give a smile, cuz i can't stop laughing, id it's mum, otherwise, i turn more serious...

  11. when I tell a lie I usually have a frail voice... it's not the gestures which betray me, but my voice...  

  12. I heard that when little kids lie, they usually scratch their legs. People usually avoid making eye contact, and there might be a slight change in the tone of voice. Facial expressions and body language, like shifting in seats, pulling at hair, jewelry, and clothing can also give it away.

  13. As a lawyer I have had a very good trainning in telling lies without being "betrayed"....

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