
When you think about it... isn't Nibiru is a lot like God?

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Both can supposedly "end the world".... both have never been seen, but people believe in them.... there is no scientific evidence, much less any scientific proof behind either of them.... and most scientists, and many people, regard them as imaginary.

Should we start a religion worshiping Nibiru? Why not?




  1. Sorry, I'm not about to worship an imaginary planet. Or a real one for that matter.   I'm an agnostic.  We agnostics don't do a lot or worshiping.  Its a waste of time.  Besides, what sort of god would want to be worshiped?  How pathetic is that?  If I actually meet a god or goddess I might change my mind.  But they will have to put on a really good show.  I'm a tough audience.  

  2. Too late. It is already a cult movement, with a firm grounding in pseudoscience and delusion.

    To Lex R - the objects near the Sun in the morning could be Saturn, Mercury or Venus. They are all morning objects at the moment and very close to each other.


  3. here in Romania we can see something under sun at every morning! its like a little star! it can be the nibiru! I hear that at may 2009 everyone can see it with naked eyes  


  5. Guess what.  Nibiru originally was a god.  Nibiru was a god of the Babylonian pantheon and also went by the related name Nippur.  This was also the name of a city, Nippur,  named after Nibiru / Nippur.

    Nibiru / Nippur was associated with the planet we call Jupiter and the planet was named after the god.

  6. It's a religion, just like the flying saucer craze, and the 2012 stuff.  All of these groups think they have absolute proof of their beliefs, and all of their proof is ambiguous at best, and usually wrong or a straight up lie.  Just like creationism.  Or the flat-earthers.  Or any biblical-literalists.  They all believe because they want to believe, and then they warp logic and rationalize until they can justify it.

    It's a way for people to feel like they believe in and are working on some bigger plan.

    Honestly I don't even think most of these people really believe what they're saying, they just fool themselves into thinking they do so they can feel special for it.  This is why they're so afraid of real science and so anxious to try and shoot it down or try to claim any kind of petty victory they can - or so intent on not listening to viewpoints that conflict with their own.  They feel like they have something to prove because they know they're wrong.

    I also think a lot of people don't understand that some things are true no matter how you feel about them, and no amount of arguing and apologetics is going to change that.  You can argue for the rest of your life, but it isn't going to make the earth 6000 years old and it's not going to make the LHC destroy the earth.

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