
When you think of a FAT person.. what personality come to mind?

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Well, i was just curious really. I mean, I am a teenager and I see alot of.. bigger people...girls especially. They all seem very quiet and shy, just not very outgoing. And I'm wondering if that is just a general trait of fat people.

I am personally overweight to. I would probably put myself in the "fat" category too. But i am NOT shy or self conscious. And I'm wondering if every time people see me.. if they THINK i am. And then are surprised that I'm not once they get to know me. Is that a stereotype that some people have?




  1. Not much as I talk with any one to get to know them. I have found that fat, skinny, studs-jocks, cheerleader-princesses, are really the same. Some are smart and some are, well, not so smart. Some of them are interesting and some are boring. The quite nerd becomes the billionaire popular guy as an adult.

    Because people are indeed cruel, especially young ignorant people, some that are ostracized become shy. This all applies to "fat" people as well.

    I may be a different fat guy in that I grew-up a stud and then became fat. I gain a lot of weight in the winter and lose all of it in the Spring-Summer. It really is fun to see people months a part as they see me a the "fat guy" then as a stud guy and then fat again. It really messes with them.

  2. I know a lot of people who are fat and jolly.  Seems to go hand in hand with the weight problem.  And they are all very nice people, just a bit on the plump side and of course they know it, but it doesn't hold them back in any way.  These particular people are all outgoing.  

  3. My friends are really obese and they ask me constantly if they "smell" or look good and I guess they have an inferiority complext because of their weight. I tell them they are fine, but if they truly are uncomfortable with themselves I can't help it. They are my friends and I like them still.

    One friend who is obese will go absolutely nuts if someone tells her she is overweight or needs to eat better. She'll go postal and disown you. I've heard if before and witnessed it.

  4. Jolly.

  5. I can't put all fat people into the same personality because I know so many and they each are so different.  Most are real outgoing and seem basically happy except that society keeps making derrogatory comments about them.  Most really are trying to lose weight, some for their entire lives.  I know a few who are serious walker--they walk everywhere for miles and miles every single day and although they may look fat, they are probably in better healthy then most skinny people.  One of our receptionists at work is a tall, heavy woman with a very pretty face; a couple years ago she went on Weight Watchers and lost a huge amount of weight but has gained it all back plus some extra.  She's cheerful and has a lot of friends, is always going places and meeting people to go partying with and all that, and she's really a very nice person.  I've also know a few fat people who are depressed, which contributes to their weight gain.  It all depends on their own self image and how much the opinion of others concerns them.  

  6. I would put you in the category of being an idiot.  If you are not fat, then why would people think you are fat.  Actually fat people are generally outgoing and fun... it comes from years of ridicule and learning to have a good personality.  Grow up.

  7. lazy, shady, dishonest, greedy, disgusting, selfish, nasty oo sorry got carried away

    seriously thought, fat people are people too and they have feelings, just like anyone else and you shouldn't judge them any differently. there is nothing wrong with them, so what if you are overweight? should people discriminate against you if you have crooked teeth? or if you are anorexic? i didnt think so

  8. I think of a white trash women straight of the set of Maury.  

  9. That is a stereotype.  Many people think that "overweight" people tend to be insecure about their weight, and therefore stray from social gatherings and whatnot.  It's not true, because I know a lot of overweight people who are outgoing and fun to be around!  It's nice to see someone with a little self - confidence, too!

  10. n0 i dn;t think s0 but m0st fat/0verweight ppl feel less c0nfident b/c they are 0verweight but n0t all 0f them are s0me are veery 0utg0ing and have a fun pers0nality it just c0mes fr0m the people wh0 surr0und them

  11. Well, it's truly stereotypical to answer this. I've met all sorts of people who are fat. They are funny, boring, intelligent, unintelligent, outgoing, shy, calm, nervous, friendly, standoffish, and all of that. It depends on how the person carries herself.

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