
When you think of an American "consumer", what types of people come to mind? Who represents overconsumption?

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Examples: SUV drivers, people who live on fast food, shopaholics, etc.




  1. People who are envious and will buy things to keep up with the Joneses. There are some people who have a relative who buys a new car. They start thinking their vehicle needs to be replaced and keep talking and trying to find a way to buy something better. I am thinking some of the SUV drivers are like that, many of the people I work with could have purchased a decent mid-size or smaller car for their purposes and now own SUVs they can't afford to drive often, some are carpooling to save gas. Lonely people often buy from shopping channels, have heard a few stories of older lonely people buying jewelry and things they really wouldn't have bought otherwise because they are at home alone watching the television most of the day to keep themselves company. And then there are the collectors. I have a friend who collects things, she hardly has room for anything on her walls, shelves, etc. but she will buy more...she works so hard, working 2 jobs .  Her whole family came to the US when she was young with one large suitcase for all of them  and what they were wearing. I think that is why she can't ever get enough of collecting things.

  2. All Americans are consumers.  And their is no such thing as overconsumption.

    Love Jack

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