
When you think of sharks do you think of them as monsters?

by Guest56541  |  earlier

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i am just wondering does anyone like sharks????what do u thinks of sharks????tell me people!!!=)when you get to know sharks you will never see them as monsters again!!!=)




  1. Not at all. I think of them as beautiful and fascinating animals. Films and fairy-tales are responsible for demonizing many animals, including sharks, wolves, rats, snakes, bats, spiders, etc., making people think they are far more dangerous than they really are. It is high time people started respecting and admiring animals for what they are, rather than hating and fearing them for what they erroneously believe them to be.

  2. i think "man i wish i could touch it"

    LOL i LOVE sharks..i dont think of them as monsters at all (although Jaws is my fav movie ironic)

    i think ppl are just scared cuz sharks get a lol of bad press

    and the fact that they can eat us without hesitation makes ppl

    really scared

    the fact is when WE are in the THEIR water than that means humans are not at the top of the food chain...which i think really freaks ppl out

    i hope we can all do something to start  helping save the sharks..its china and japans fault that the numbers are getting lower...they are the ones that over fish for food or for there fins so they can get there d**k up..thats just ridiculous some of the things they think a shark fin can really makes me mad to think they would catch a shark..cut its fins off..throw the rest back to sink to the bottom and die..and then some how think that -that shark fin is somehow gonna make them a better person in bed???! come on!! thats just stupid  

  3. Sharks are carnivorous animals who show no feelings towards humans, unlike dolphins. So I have to conclude that they are a form of sea monster (if that is the type of language you want to use).

  4. Yes, i like sharks and i do not think of them as monsters.

    But it is sad to know that the certain incidents and some movies have given them this 'MONSTER' image.

    A common opinion is that all sharks are dangerous or man eaters which is far from the truth.

    This shark fin soup and it's flesh are also causing decline in their population.

    But i am afraid of them but because the sea is their territory and i respect that and i would rather not go in the sea's where they are abundant.

    At the same time i have signed a few petitions against shark killing.

    You can do the same -

  5. the docile ones are pretty to look at--so sleek.

    and although i am frightened of larger shark jaws, i don't think of them as monsters; sharks are just animals doing what animals do, trying to survive.

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