
When you think of the complexity of our brains, how could such an organ have 'evolved'?

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We frequently hear, like this morning, that they are learning more about how the brain works. Yet did it design itself? For there evidently is an intricate design there.




  1. The method of evolution is quite simple. Mutations occur: most have no noticeable effect but some are harmful while others are of benefit. The ones that are of benefit confer survival value on the organism and slowly these mutations add up to create something much better than had existed a number of generations earlier.

    In many ways the liver is a much more complicated organ than the brain but it shows evolution in action. During an average lifetime three of the multitude of functions it performs are changed by mutation of the person's liver cells. It's not that all cells mutate suddenly but that the liver regenerates continuously, with some cells dying being replaced by others. If just one cell in the regeneration cells mutates, this can be replicated many times so that by the end of that person's life the original function has been replaced by another. The liver has so many functions that often the mutated function is one that's also performed elsewhere in the body or is not essential to life.

    There is so much evidence for evolution and none at all for "intelligent design". Furthermore, intelligent design fundamentally requires a belief in God in order for it to work. Evolution can work with or without the existence of a God. There is fundamentally no evidence to suggest God or gods exist. To me they are a relic of a time passed when things could not be explained rationally in scientific terms. A time when most children died from one of a myriad of diseases, weather could not be predicted and new enemies could suddenly appear, seemingly from beyond the edge of the world was a time when belief in an Almighty could provide comfort, solace and unity. In today's world we can explain most things rationally and a belief in God serves only to divide man from man, sometimes neighbour from neighbour. Belief in God is simply an anachronism.

  2. evolution is a long long process it has taken billions of years to form the brain we have today, we could go into the creationism vs scientology thing but really that isnt the point, from a scientifical point of view we can assume ( although it is pretty much proven ) that over billions of years our brains have evolved, this happens due to a process known as natural selection the basic principals behind this are that if an organism is born and it has "in the questions case" a more complex brain then it will have a better chance of survival due to its abnormal intlligence therefore it will go on to reproduce. this will happen again and again until an organism is completely evolved. you could describe it as "survival of the fittest". hope the answer helps.

  3. At least you did not say "by chance", thank you for that!

    The human brain is certainly an incredible thing, possibly the most complex object in the universe, but after hundreds of years of intensive study, there is nothing we can point to and say "this could not have evolved from something simpler", or "this was clearly intelligently designed".

    If there were no animals with smaller, simpler brains, then that would be a problem for an evolutionary explanation. If big-brained humans appeared from nowhere at the start of the fossil record, then that would also be a problem.

    But there are other animals with smaller brains, though similar to ours, and humans appear in the fossil record right at the end of a sequence of successively larger brained primates, so the evidence would seem to suggest that our brain evolved.

  4. Does complexity occur in nature...?

    Let's consider the evidence.

    David Cameron...Simon Cowell...Jim Davidson...

    Apparently not!   There MUST be a god!

  5. All animals have brains. We have a better model. Or do you want a description of how animal brains evolved? If so, birds have brains, reptiles have brains, fish have brains, all the way down to bees, ants etc have brains (well, nervous systems composed of neurons). Eventually you get to things like nematode worms All a bit different, some brighter than others.

    Now the if I could actually explain in exquisite detail exactly how it happened, would you take the slightest bit of notice?

  6. Such a complex organ could have evolved if the environment dictates that it provides an advantage for survival and procreation.

    Now all we use this wonderful gift for is watching reality television.

    Tsk.  They don't know they're born, today.

  7. Nature can produce some of the most wonderful things. It's not just the humans - apes and dolphins have very developed brains that let them do some very complex things, like problem-solving, social communication, and perhaps even abstract thinking. For example, you can teach an ape sign language. We are still learning about the capabilities of these animals.

  8. Billions of years of evolution. I don't think anyone will be able or willing to explain it all here.

  9. dunno ask sylar he probably knows :D

  10. ...and people speak about the Bible being illogical????

    ...and people speak about the Bible being fairy tails???

    It is much more logical to believe that God created the heavens and the earth - that He created man.

    In order for there to be a design, it is obvious that there has to be a designer - a Master planner and designer.

    God is infinite - we are finite.

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