
When you travel, do you usually drink bottled water? Why or why not? What about when you're at home?

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When you travel, do you usually drink bottled water? Why or why not? What about when you're at home?




  1. i fill a empty plastic bottle with tap water nothing wrong with tap water why pay £1 for bottled water when its paid for on your own water bill to be freely drunk anytime.

  2. Well, when I travel locally, I don't have anything to drink. If you mean road trips, I don't have water, more like some kind of soda. My mom usually brings water. But at home, I drink the same. I actually don't like water unless it's flavored.

  3. Some times when I am on the road, but it is usually diet soda.

    When I am home I drink milk, tea, diet soda and tap water.

  4. When I'm out I drink bottled water, at home, I have a water purifier on my sink.

  5. It all depends on where I go.  If I travel to another country, yes I ALWAYS drink bottled water.  Most countries don't have have advanced water filtering systems like we do, therefore, you can become very ill from parasites.

  6. depends where I'm traveling to. I travel a lot for work (in fact, I'm stuck at an airport right now).

    If I'm traveling inside the US, to Europe, or to Japan, I just drink tap water. If I'm traveling somewhere else, I always buy bottled water and I usually stick with international brands like AquaFina or Dasani. I know it's just purified tap water, but the fact that it's purified makes it safer.

    When I'm at home, I just drink tap water. The only times I drink bottled water is if I forget to take my water bottle to the gym, or when I'm flying since I can't take water through security.

  7. NO id ont drink water when I go away and if I do it is from a bottle and as far as at home. No I drink form the tap with a pur filter.

  8. Welcome back skycat!!!!! I'm so happy that you're back :-)

    To answer the question, yes I usually drink bottled water when I travel because I think that it is safer than drinking water from a tap.

    When I am at home I drink tap water that has been put through a Brita filter. (Straight from the tap the water does not taste good).

  9. I drink bottled water when i travel, just so i don't pick up any bacteria in my system. At home i buy bottled water or i will boil the water if necessary. I never drink from the tap, as one never knows what is lurking about in there.

  10. If I don't have bottled water while travelling, I make sure the liquid is hot such as coffee of tea.  The water in different locations upsets my stomach.  

    At home, we have hard water and some doctors suggest drinking bottled water because the local water can cause high blood pressure and miscarriages.  We use spring water.

  11. I usually drink bottle when i am out because i don't need to bring the heavy bottle in my bag.I can just throw when drink up.When at home i will drink filtered water

  12. I always drink bottled water, at home or somewhere else. I don't like tap water.

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