
When you use a Ouji board, do you ask it yes/no questions or do you asked it for spelled out answers?

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When you use a Ouji board, do you ask it yes/no questions or do you asked it for spelled out answers?




  1. [asks oujia board if Dr. BC still visits her form in the Hall of Perfect Asses and crosses fingers]

    I don't play with ouija boards...

  2. I break it over my knee and light a match.

  3. I have seen many results from Ouija board users one is to become obsessed and another is to be possessed!

    "The Ouija board is a vehicle which makes it easy for negative spirits and demonic forces to enter this plane of existence." cautioned that evil spirits or demonic forces often gain the trust of people experimenting with Ouija boards by answering several questions truthfully and providing predictions.

    "Once they have gained the trust of their victims, it is easy for the entity to move in and take over either by strongly influencing that person, or by outright possession," .

    People who are untrained and unsophisticated in the field of the paranormal and supernatural should never play with devices such as the Ouija board!

    Don't Get Trapped with Ouija boards

    If you want to communicate with Spirits work on your Psychic senses then do it the right way it may take longer however it is more rewarding : ) The easy way is not always the right way, you have to work for your rewards with knowledge

    Love & Blessings


  4. Both.

  5. I typically have some kind of novel spewed out at me.

  6. I don't recommend either. Ouija boards are no joke. From the spiritual/paranormal point of view, you risk open doors better left closed. There's no better way to invoke a demon of malicious spirit. (An agnostic that mentions demons? *gasp*  /sarcasm) Not demons in the biblical sense... beings of another plain of existence.

    If you're really compelled to communicate with the Other Side, go to this site:

  7. Both.

    But ouija boards don't work.

  8. You're not supposed to ask yes or no questions because they're too specific. You can't expect them to know everything.

  9. Ouija boards are playthings for kids and gullible people

  10. Both, and it only works when you're using it with a large group of people and one of them secretly knows the answer to the question you're asking.

  11. Please i'm not trying to sound like a religious freak, but don't use those, my youth group leader says it's like worshiping, calling out to the devil, he says like praying to Christ is the exact opposite of an Ouji Board.  

  12. get a brain

  13. Ouija boards are a bad idea! You have no guaranteed way of knowing what kind of spirit you are inviting into your home or wherever you are. If you want to know something i suggest you pray to whatever Deity you believe in if any...

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