
When you use a restaurant coupon, why is it "dine in only"?

by  |  earlier

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because they want to pad the check with appetizer/drink/dessert, to make up for the hit?




  1. Nothing is free.  They are counting on you buying something else and getting the server that has to put the stuff together for you anyways to be paid with a tip.  It sounds bad when I put it that way, but they are in business and businesses must make a profit or close their doors.  The point of the coupon is to bring you in, not to be nice.

  2. its so you have to tip them

  3. It means that you must sit down to eat in order to use the coupon...NO TAKE OUT ALLOWED

  4. to bring business and TIPS into the establishment!

  5. You seem to have the right idea, if you eat there they can get you to order other things you wouldn't get with takeout.

  6. They want to be sure that you get to enjoy their great service and ambiance.

    They want you to come back.

    The entire point of the coupon is to get people into their restaurant.  Not to send food to your house.

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