
When you walk across a slippery surface is it best to slide or pick up your feet?

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When you walk across a slippery surface is it best to slide or pick up your feet?




  1. The difference is minuscule, but I would pick up your feet.  When you pick up your feet and put it back down, the momentum is going toward the ground, leaving less chance that you will loose traction and slip out and fall.  When you slip your feet, the momentum is moving forward, which increases the chance of your feet slipping out from underneath you.  The reel "best" way to walk across a slippery surface is to use shoes that grip the ground:scater shoes, snow shows, boots, etc.

  2. pick up your feet. if you slide you might go backwords and fall on your butt

  3. I slide because it is more fun, but it is not as safe.

  4. you can do both actually careful when walking in a slippery surface.

  5. Pick up your feet, but make sure that you place your foot gently on the floor and dont take big steps, take half steps

  6. Pick up your feet to keep from slipping and losing your balance.  Just be sure to place them carefully and gingerly on the ground so as to again maintain balance.

  7. I think it's best if you slide, if you pick up your feet you might not land your feet at the correct angle and slip!

    Well, it's best if you hold yourself from something or someone.. or...

    wear tennis shoes, they have a good grip :)

  8. Pick up your feet and plant them solidly. Don't move one foot unless you're sure the other won't slide. If you try to slide across the surface, then you'll end up falling sooner or later!

  9. I'm not sure what most of the responders are talking about, but it is safer to shuffle your feet.

    Don't slide, as that's too uncontrolled. You'll have difficulty stopping yourself if you need to.

    Picking up your feet means you're balancing on one foot at a time, and have little way to stop yourself from falling if you put your foot down on a particularly slippery spot and shift your weight.

    Instead, shuffle your feet along, not stretching too far on each step. Take it slow.

  10. the best  way is to sort of shuffle a combination of the two. Lift your feet- but  not completely off the surface,in a sense, a controlled slide. this works the best because you never lose contact totally with either foot. hence a constant two-point stance. This works very well on ice and if you notice older folk tend walk this way because it is more stable.

  11. I prefer to shuffle, this is comming from a guy who once used Armorall on his kitchen floor, big mistake!!!!

  12. I slide, but i have good balance but if you don't have good balance I suggest you pick up your feet.

  13. if u dont have socks on then u should pick up your feet

    and if u do have socks then sliding is fine

    it also depends on where u are

    for example in a place where if you slide you can knock things over

    I wouldn't slide but if your safe and away from objects go for it

  14. I slide across a slippery surface.

  15. I know this!  It is better to pick up your feet.  My husband is an Iron Worker.  He's the crazy person that is 100 feet up on the air on a beam.  When you slide you have no control.  You pick up your feet.

  16. Slow and gently pick up your feet.

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