
When you want to ask Allah for something during the day--like forgiveness--how do you go about doing it? ?

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For example--if I'm venting at work and I catch myself backbiting...can I just say privately "Allah, I beg your forgiveness and please have mercy on me..." Or do I have to do it all ritualistically like you do the Salats?

Is there any particular way you go about speaking with Allah throughout the day, or do you just do it?

Do you have to perform Wuduu every time you talk to Allah??




  1. Salam for you my dear friend. Yes you can ask for Allah's forgiveness in your own language just as you have stated. as a du'a without wudhu

    It is better if you make a wudhu then do a sunnah praying of 2 raka'ats and after that you make a du'a in your own language.

    Salat or praying mandatorily at least 5 times a day is the direct commu

    nication between you with Allah So throught the day we can report to Allah 5 times

    Every time to talk to Allah in a du'a we do not need a wudhu.But if we want to make mandatory salat and optional salat and also if we want to recite Qur'an we should perform a wudhu before doing it as stated in the hadits of Muhammad pbuh.

  2. Islam is baloney ,

    Allaah has given us time to repent before the honourable scribes (kiraaman kaatibeen – recording angels) record our deeds. The Prophet  (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “The (scribe) on the left hand raises his pen (i.e., delays writing) for six hours [this may refer to six hours of 60 minutes as measured by astronomers, or it may refer to short periods of time during the day or night – Lisaan al-‘Arab] before he records the sinful deed of a Muslim. If he regrets it and seeks Allaah’s forgiveness, the deed is not recorded, otherwise it is recorded as one deed.” (Reported by al-Tabaraani in al-Kabeer and al-Bayhaqi in Shu’ab al-Eemaan (The Branches of Faith); classed as hasan by al-Albaani in Silsilat al-Ahaadeeth al-Saheehah, 1209). A further respite is granted after the deed has been recorded, up until the moment before death approaches.

  3. It's called Du'a.

    Like this:

    You don't need Wudhu

  4. 1) It does not have to be ritualistically; you can quietly ask for forgivness; Allah knows what your intentions are.

    2) When you are performing salat, you are talking to Allah. When you are reciting Ayat al Kwrsi, you are asking Him to protect you. I just do it by prayer and recitation of the Qur'an/

    3) No you dont; only for salat and touching the Qur'an you need wudu.

  5. 1. Yes, or u can say Astaghfirullah(i beg Allah for forgiveness).. many times..

    2. Well... say it like u mean it.. and with ur hands like that (pictures at my below answer)

    3. Lol no..

  6. Dear, intentions matters most. you do not need to offer salat or make wudu while just talking to Allah. Although whenever it is possible for  you to make wudu, just do it coz Allah loves piousness. So, its a matter of heart. Allah knows your heart, your thinking, your intentions, and He is the most merciful and forgiving.

    Sometimes He doesn't answer our prayers and we say" Allah doesn't listen to us"..saying this is wrong, we should have strong faith that whatever shall happen, should be beneficial for us. Pray to Allah that, Allah if its better for me, then it should happen, other wise, let it go easily.

    because Allah knows what is good or bad for us, but we might not know it. what is good for us may actually be bad for us and only Allah is aware of that. and later we realize that indeed our Lord helped us :)~!





  8. u can pray to Allah any time.. day or night.... u just have to pray wit yur whole mind n heart

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