
When you want to get off a train and say excuse me to the person next to you........?

by  |  earlier

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do you think its rude when they just shuffle around and you have to squeeze past? I do, they should stand up and move out of the way to let you off.




  1. Yes I think that's rude too. Also why when people have a spare window seat next to them, rather than shuffling up do they feel the need to make you squeeze past so they can sit on the aisle.

  2. yes i think its rude...if their an older person i can understand why they wouldnt want to stand up but if a perfectly abled person does this i find it very rude and make sure i rub my butt in their face while i get past lol

  3. Sorry, pencil, I disagree. Manners are NEVER passe'. If more people would learn consideration, manners and politeness, there would be less anger in society. That is what manners are for.  

  4. In these circumstances, I find a swift kick in the goolies usually works wonders.

  5. Yes, I do. Same as when you want to sit down and you need to squeeze past someone but they don't move their legs. I wish I had a cattle prod.

  6. Yes, it is extremely rude and inconsiderate.  It's one of the things that irritate me about using the trains.

    If it happens in the area of the train where there are clusters of 4 or 6 seats - where the passengers are facing each other - then I don't mind if they don't get up, but just move their legs to the side.  This is because there is often enough room to get through in these areas of the train.

    However, if they refuse to stand up and let you through in the areas of the train where there are sets of just two seats, then they should definitely get up and let you out if they are able to.  When a passenger sitting next to me doesn't do this it can be irritating.

    I would make an exception if the passenger sitting next to me wasn't steady on his/her feet, had a broken leg, a small child on their lap or if the train was packed - making it nigh on impossible for them to to find the room to stand up and let me out.  

  7. It is a little rude. I guess they enjoy having someones butt in their face. Or they are just very lazy. Sometimes its too crowded to actually stand up and move to the side. I guess it depends on the situation. Better to move for the person getting out than to not move at all.

  8. Why Caspar? What makes you so special that people have to do things your way? This is 2008, The world has changed, The age of politeness has gone forever. You will just have to adapt or stay at home

  9. It is rude if your polite to them they could at least 'oh sorry' and shuffle instead of growling at you like you just kicked them.

    I hate public transport >.<

  10. nah if theres enough space they don't need to get up. atleast they're shuffling.

    when you go to the movies and you have to get to your seat some people get up and some people just squish their feet in.

    i don't think theres anything wrong with not getting up.

  11. depends what the seats are like-sometimes there is less room if the person stands up

  12. Unless disabled, courtesy says to get up.

    Courtesy has gone the way of the Albatross world wide is seems.  

  13. I agree with your views, but also buses are just as bad as well.

    People want to get on as soon as the bus has pulled into the station or stop even before other people have got of (as if the bus is going to pull away before they get on.

    I mean I have a friend who I travel with who is disabled and in a wheelchair and (the British buses that can cater for her are few and far between) when we want to get of at the station because there is only one door to get in and out of this is all ready filled with passengers waiting to get on to the bus.

    When we try and get through (appologising although we often wonder what exactly it is we are applogising for) they think we are rude or ignorant for daining to make them move as they may have

    a) lost their place in the queue

    b) worried that the bus will go without them.

    This is a major bug bear of mine, I am not harking back that long ago here but even as little as four or five years ago this was not the case and people at least waited for other people to get of before they then got on.

    The reason I am so het up with this issue also is that this morning is a case in point I had four bags of shopping and pressed the bell to stop the bus (allegedly you are supposed to stay seated until the bus stops, but like that ever works on Yorkshire stagecoach buses), so I got up to collect my shopping (I am large so you can't miss me, this lady with a buggy knew I was getting of but sill insisted that as soon as the bus was stopped she got on, though this was counter-productive as she had to get of the bus again to allow me to get on.

    She was extreamley rude to me and somehow indicated that if I wasn't so fat that maybe she wouldn't have needed to know that (I ask would anyone no matter how small be able to get of the bus with four bags of shopping.

    I know this is an extreame example but it is typical of what unfortunttly goes on nowadays.

    Sorry for the rant.

  14. Have you ever considered they may find it painful to move or stand up and just do their best to let you out ?Then again,most people are unthinking and ignorant these days,they just dont think so.The methods you describe are just normal behaviour now,no-one thinks anything of it.

  15. Yes I do.

    If it bothers you that much don't sit by the window. Always sit on the isle seat then you'll be the one having to get up.

  16. no its fine, if they get up you just have to wiggle around them in the aisle.  

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