
When you wash your hands do you ever?

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wash the faucet handle? If not why not? When your hands are dirty and you go to wash them you turn on the handle with your dirty hand right? Then when you're done washing your hands how do you turn off the handle that was touched with your dirty hands? why not wash the handle with a little soap and splash some water on it. I do and I can't imagine why anyone wouldn't!!! Please share your thoughts on this. Thank you in advance!!!




  1. I have friend who is a little obsessive compulsive, and she cleans the door k***s and faucet k***s down everyday. But if using public toilets, she uses clean paper towels, tissues or her sleeve of her jumper to turn it off, and will not touch the door k**b unless I open it for her, or she uses a paper towel/tissue to open it.

    She has a few other OCD traits, but the tap & door k***s thing I can understand to a point. One day this lady came in did her business and walked out of the cubical, applied some lip gloss and walked out without wash her hands, we were shocked and I thought my friend was going to faint.

    If I am using the public toilets and they are especially dirty looking I will, do what my friend does, other wise I just turn it off.


  3. After washing hands, turn off water by using the towel you dried your hands with.  

  4. I wipe the whole faucet/handle each time with the towel I use to dry my hands. Something I always do when out is use my lower arm or a paper towel to turn the handle off. Then, I use the same towel to turn or pull the handle on the exit door. Just did this tonight (after seeing The Dark Knight) at the movie, dropping the used towel in the trash nearest the exit door. Haven't had a cold in I don't know when (knock on wood!).

    I also try never to hold onto the handrails on stairways. Basically, it's the same anywhere you know where other people are touching surfaces--try not to touch them b/c you never know where those hands have been... ;-)

  5. When I clean either the bathroom or kitchen faucets, I always do the handles. That's just part of it. Now when hubby comes in all nasty, he may wipe down if he made a mess but not to a degree as I would and we're ok with that.

  6. ~~Well at home we have the type of faucets that are arms you just lift. When my hands are dirty I just use my arm to turn them on. If I am in a public restroom, I turn the k***s with my hand and then have a paper towel ready to shut the handles off. I toss that out and then dry my hands and use those towels to open the door to leave the restroom. I feel as if my hands stay clean this way.~~

  7. At home, sometimes.  In a public restroom, always.

  8. I do that all the time.  Twice  a month, I wipe all my faucets & bathroom doorknobs off with rubbing alcohol. It kills the bacteria & makes them shine really well.  

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