
When you were 16 what was your curfew?

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and if you had a car when you were 16, what was your curfew with your car?




  1. yeah right i wish i had a curfew, i wasn't even aloud to go anywhere until i turned 18.

  2. I had no curfew because I was asleep by 10pm...still am.

  3. I'm sixteen and i dont have a curfew as long as i tell my parents where i am and call them late at night to let them know im okay. I think its better to start off this way and if the sixteen year old does something wrong like drinking...then start a curfew because you cant trust them

  4. curfew was 10 pm unless i had told them a few days before that id be later and with the car at 16 never aloud to drive it my self :| sucks eh hopefully you guys had way better curfew's then me

  5. i did not have a curfew when i was younger i lived in a really small villiage and everyone knew everyone and they all looked out for every one too but i think if you live in a town or city you should have a curfew there are some really wired people out there and your perents are only protecting you i have a child she is only 4 but i live in swindon now and when she is 16 i would give her a curfew of 10pm

  6. 7-8 if school day

    11 if i needed a ride from my parents (weekend)

    midnight or later if someone would drive me home (weekend)

  7. I did not have my own car at 16, but i did have one that I could occasionally use.  when i did have access to the car my curfew was 9 no matter if it was on a school night or a weekend.

  8. Depend with whom I were. With my cousins ( older that me) no curfew

    with a friends 12:30 ( Friday night and Saturday night)

  9. girl i would stay out all night partying cause well that is what life is about don't worry about omg am i going to get in trouble stop thinking of that have fun and well if you do so what you had fun anyways.. do you get what i am saying >? I live well still am living life to the fullest and yes I had a car so i would pick up all of my home girls go out clubbing having some fun and we still do so if i was you go out have no d**n curfew **** that and live life but always be careful and take care of your self good luck girl and party like if is your ************* job!! get it girl

  10. 12 Midnight the "whiching" hour

    Which punishment will I get if I don't make it on time and which excuse did I use last time?  LOL

    The car?  The car had to be home before I did!

  11. My curfew was 11:30 when I was 16. It gave me a chance to hang out with my friends when I got off work (at 9:30) and gave me some time to get home.

  12. My parents SAID it was 12am but, they we're always sleeping and didn't really mind what time as long as it was before 1am.

  13. I had a car and it was between 10 and 10:30. On school nights 9.

  14. weekens summer holiday 11:30 school nights 10

  15. I live in the U.K. so I cant drive till next year! but i dont have cuz i am usually at a party!

    If im round my mates house i come back round 10:30 :D

  16. I'M A GUY and i had no curfew. i would get home

    around 2:00 am and go to bed though.

  17. Im 16 right now. And I dont usally has a curfew. But Sometime if I come home late. Then My parent start bitching at me. And told me to come home tommorrow eariler. just basically yell

  18. When i was 16 i never had a curfew because my parents were so strict i wasnt allowed to go out anyways!

  19. never had a curfew ...very liberal parents ...

    I turned out ok ...33 and a good person !

  20. i never even had a curfew b4 that.. im now 19. but i guess it depends on wer u live exactly, my country is very safe! i walk home alone at 4am wit no prob!

  21. I'm 16 right now (almost 17) and I don't have a car but I have my license and I use my moms car

    I'm not really allowed to do anything after dark on school nights, or too often.  Next year I will probably just continue the "taco tuesday" tradition with my boyfriend but that will likely be it, unless i can somehow wrangle moms car for a day and i can drive everybody to the movies on a friday

    This summer I have been allowed out between 9-1030.  I'm almost always with my boyfriend.

    During the school year, when I am involved in my theatre program, rehearsal doesn't get out until like 10 some nights, so in those cases, i'm just expected to be home by my legal driving curfew, which is 11

    Of course, it always depends on where i am, what i'm doing, who i'm with, and I usually try and check in with my parents as often as possible.  That puts them at ease and it makes them more likely to let me do stuff the next time


  22. no car 10:00 on weekends, 9:00 on weeknights, but mostly if it was a school night, I was in at 6:00 for dinner and that was that for the night.

  23. on weekdays it was 10 the latest if i was doing homework 10:30 and on weekends it depended if i was with an adult at 1or 2am if i was alone with some friends the latest was 11pm or 12

  24. it was midnight on friday night and 1 am on saturday..

    i always abided it by it so mom and i never argued.. that way when i got to be 17 or 18 she didnt care what time i got home!! ;-)

  25. I didn't necessarily have one. It depended who I was with and what we were doing. If I was at a party it was probably around 12.

  26. My parents have been divorced since i was in 4th grade so it was diferent at each house.

    MOMS HOUSE: on school nights it was 9. weekends:12

    DADS: weekends:11:30. which i always complained about. But now that im adult i actually understand his reasoning. He said that he said 11:30 because that gave me 30 mins for emergencys. for example if i went and saw a movie and it got over at 11:30 or later obviously i couldnt get home at 11:30. so as long as i ALWAYS called and let him know what was going on he was cool with it.


  27. I had a car and I had to be home by 10pm.

  28. you're lucky you are let out of the house at 16. When i was that age i wasn't allowed out and if i was by miracle i was dropped and picked up by a parent by 12 the latest and when i got my car at 17 it was pretty much the same. the car was suppose to be for work and school. Focus on school. going out cost too much money now-a-days.

  29. I had a car at 16 and I didn't have a curfew. But I respected my mom, and I always came home before 2am or I would call her and let her know where I was.

  30. midnight but it was flexible.

  31. I didn't have a car but it depended on what night and if I had school the next day.

    By 16 my parents gave me a lot of rope and I abused the h**l out of it.

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