
When you were YOUNGER, what kind of parent did you want to be?

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when you were a teenager, what kind of parent did you see yourself becoming in the future? what kind of rules were you going to set for your kids? And, if you are a parent now, what kind of parent have you become?




  1. When I was a teenager I couldnt even imagine being a parent.   I didnt want kids until I turned 30.   Before having children I had an idealistic view of motherhood.   Cooking healthy organic food for my loving and well behaved children.   Now in reality I cant get my 8 year old son to eat anything that resembles a fruit or vegetable.   Its really frustrating.   He doesnt cooperate without an arguement about anything (like a teenager and he's only 8).    I love my kids more than anything and I'm glad that I have them but it is sure different than I imagined.

  2. Thank god my teenage years are far behind and can't remember a thing!

  3. When I was younger I truly believed that I would never get married or have children.  I just couldn't see it in my future.  Now I am married and 29 weeks pregnant with our 2nd child.  I know that when I was a teenager there were parents that would let us all smoke and drink at their house b/c they felt better about them doing it home.  I would never condone those behaviors with my girls.  My daughter is 4 years old and the main rules are tell the truth and be respectful.  She is expected to clean her room everyday.  (something I hardly ever had to do)  When I was a teenager I wanted my mom to get off my back, but now as an adult and mother I respect my mother for the boundaries she set for me.

  4. I wanted to be Just like my mom-always there, honest,strong, caring,loving,open.

    I would not want to be too too  strict because all my friends that had parents that were lied to all the time to them and always ended up being teh ones doing the bad things.

    I hope I am 1/2 of what my mom was.

  5. I've always wanted to be the "fun" parent. You know, one thats fun to be with, well respected, and i want to liked by my child(ren) and their friends. but i dont want to be so fun that they can walk all over me.

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