
When you were a kid, did you hate homework?

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When you were a kid, did you hate homework?




  1. Yes, I still have tons of it and I HATE IT! MAKE IT STOP.

  2. h**l yes!!! homework is a way to enslave children, even when they aren't in school

    I HATE IT!!!  >:-(

  3. never did homework. I just waited to ace the test. I figured out i could usually end up w/ a C or D doing this.


  5. I never really minded homework... it was always easy for me. Yeah, I'm smart like that. :] (just kidding)

  6. i didn't hate it

    but it was hard to have it started or done especially when i didn't get a lot of help with the methods of doing it

    and i didn't understand the meaning of doing it or tried to find out

    if there is some ways to get help it may be worth it

  7. It sort of depends on which grade I used to be in. I liked homework in some grades, but I hated homewrok in other grades.

    But for now, I usually hate homework.

  8. Usually yes.  Occasionally we would get a fun or interesting assignment but most of the time I hated doing it and would rather do something else.

  9. I go to a secondary school so i dont get homework.

  10. Yes. its took so much of your time away while you could b doing other stuff.

  11. Yes. I did as little homework as I could possibly get away


    But I took excellent notes and paid close attention in class.

    I think my teachers recognized this and gave me a bit of

    a break in the homework department.

    Then I went and kicked butt on the tests.

  12. yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

  13. yup..........but an education is a necessity.

  14. Yes. Now I love my life working @ McDonalds

  15. yes.

  16. not actually, i loved school :)

  17. I hated the day to day homework,but I LOVED doing reports!

  18. depends on the teacher... some give out pointless, time-consuming homeworking.

  19. hated it with a passion!

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