
When you were a kid what was your favorite candy or toy?

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I was just thinking about those Super Hot War Head candies. They discontinued them. That was my fave candy when I was a kid. My favorite *toy* was my diary. I actually still use one.

What was your fave candy and toy and do you still like it, as an adult?




  1. Something called chick-o-stick, I don't know why I liked those so much.  (poor teeth).  Favorite toy was tinker toys.

  2. haunted house lollies. they dont make em anymore

  3. Well I'm only a teenager but my favorite candy when I was a kid was twizzlers. I loved those things so much because they tasted so good and they didn't cause my stomach to hurt so much if I were to eat a lot of it like chocolate would do.

    As for toys - well I was never one who owned a Barbie doll - never. I hated the girl so much. In fact, whenever I would get a Barbie doll for Christmas I would suggest we give it to some charity or to Goodwill or something so that the needy kids who actually like her can have her.I didn't feel I could "relate" to her because she had a family and everything and at age six/seven that was the age when I decided I didn't ever want to have kids. So my favorite toy was the Bratz dolls. I loved how there were different races and genders. Their clothes were a lot more modern and they were young. I loved to put on fashion shows for them which was also how I got into photography (I do it every now and then). I would get my camera and dress the dolls like they were actual models and put on a photo shoot for them. Some of the pics were actually good. I also started making my own clothes for them but I quit because I hated the way I made them.

    Now as an teenager, I still do like Twizzlers but I like Sour Patch Kids and Airheads more now. I like stuff that's a little more sour. As for toys, well I've grown out of toys but I still do like the Bratz dolls. I've created such fun memories and they are what gave me story ideas to actually write. In fact, I write stories on them on from time to time so I can say I still like them.

    I know I'm not an adult, but I thought this was an interesting question and it indeed has brought back a flood of memories. :D

  4. jolly ranchers, (the long flat ones) sour apple, and cherry, chic-o-stick, jaw breakers(the really huge ones)

    I played with G.I. Joe.  I hated dolls, but played with the action figures with my brothers, while watching Gumby on TV.

  5. I was totally a Reese's Pieces person and still love them.

    My favorite toy-  when I was really little was a stuffed elephant with a shoe string tail.  It is still at my parent's house.

    My favorite toy as an older child was puzzles.  I used to love puzzles.

  6. As a kid my favorite candy was a "chic-o-stick" not sure on the spelling, it was kind of like the inside of a Butterfinger. My favorite toy for a long time was my Big Wheel I loved going really fast and then hitting the brakes and skidding sideways LOL oh to be a kid again. When I was bit older dolls/Barbies.

    I think I would still like it though I have not seen one in years. One of the things I could not get enough of as a kid and think is awful now is cotton candy, who care about the sugar content it just taste terrible LOL

  7. jolly ranchers, the big long flat ones (i don't think they even make them anymore).  i don't eat nearly as much candy as i used to, so no.

    my favorite toy was the one i had as a baby where it looked like a farm house and you squeezed the animals and it made sounds and stuff.  even when i was older and too cool for myself i played with it on the sly, and i've seen newer versions but they aren't as good.

  8. my favorite candy?...mary janes and bit o honey.....still love them today.....favorite toy?....gosh now youre making me show my age.....i loved lincoln logs (especially the way the wood smelled), slinky, and my etch-a-sketch....and they are still amusing today when i come across them

  9. Candy - Snickers and M&Ms (still is)

    Toy -  Barbies and Nintendo

  10. My fav candy was dark chocolate.  Yes I was an odd child, and even today the darker the chocolate the more I love it.  At least my younger brother and sister never stole any of my candy cause they hated it.  As for toys I have to say sidewalk chalk and bubbles.  They are not really toys, but I loved them, and still do.  Oh and I loved Teenage Mutin Ninja Turtles, so I had all the action figures and I loved legos and remote controled race cars.

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