
When you were a little kid what funny or random thing did you believe?

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1.When I was 3 years old I used to think that robbers would go into peoples houses everyday because I could always hear some noises at night. I thought they would kill me so every

single day I would lay in bed at night pretending I was dead.

2.I used to think that if an elevator stops and no one gets in then something bad would happen like being sucked into another universe because everybody always was in a hurry to press the door close button.

3.When I was 4 years old I used to think that one of the employees in the super market was a monster for some reason. I also thought monsters lived in the closet so my parents put some water in a spray bottle and told me it was monster spray and the monster would die instantly. So I brought the spray to the market when my parents brought me for protection. My brother who was 9 said that the monster was going to eat me because he was really close so I paniced ran into him and scream MONSTER and then sprayed him with water and ran away.




  1. that c00kies can eat ppl. thats y i nerver eat cookies 2 day im scared 4 some random reason

  2. I thought my sister was going to be a green baby boy. But when she was born boy did i disown her for a long time lol

  3. Funny you say that... I always thought that robbers lived in my basement.

    I also thought I would be damned for all eternity if I didn't hold my breath when who ever I was driving with drove by a cemetary.

    Ironically, at my preschool graduation I said I was going to be a pilot when they asked me what my future job was.

    When I was 6, I actually went on one and have had a MAJOR phobia of planes ever since (and flown 43+ times too when forced to travel with mom and dad on vacations)

  4. I thought teachers lived at school.

    I thought "fat" people had fat skeletons.

    I thought the song "Forever in Blue Jeans" by Neil Diamond was "Reverend Blue Jeans".

    Oh, I also thought that the trees were what made wind.

  5. i beleived the boogie man lived in your nose and i would never blow my nose lol

  6. Beleived in whatever Catechism taught, also that Angels were about...

  7. LoL those are SO funny!!!

    At 3, I was afraid of all those alien abduction silly stories, that I caught on TV while my older brothers were watching. My brother got under my bed with a lamp and he made "signals" on the wall. I was totaly terrified.

    I also begged my mom to buy the MrClean brand, cause I was certain he would appear on our floor and wink at me like in the comercials :P

  8. i thought snakes lived under my bed. they would only come out at night, but they wouldn't bother me if i kept myself completely covered by the blankets.

    i used to get so mad at my mom because she would come in at night and uncover my face.

  9. My  mother had me conVINCED that if I didn't allow her to remove a splinter that I would soon grow a tree out of my finger/hand/foot what have you.

  10. Our parents had us believe that brown cows gave chocolate milk. (we live on the Canadian prairie)

  11. I used to think a giant frog was gonna swallow the car every time we went over a bridge.

  12. 1. I used to think I'd get flushed down the toilets if I stood too close to one when it flushed! xD

    2. I used to think "cocoa" was pronounced koh-kuh.

    3. I used to try to walk on water like Jesus did in the Bible. It never worked.

  13. When I was little I believed I could fly, I even tried once-ended up landing on one of our billy goats.

  14. i beleived that the ocean and ponds and rivers, etc. was from people dumping water buckets in them.

    and that monsters only lived under your bed, so ide always run and jump on my bed so they wouldnt grab me by the leg and suck me in

    and haha your first one made me crack up, thats a good one

  15. I use to believe (thanks to my sister) that all monsters.. lived on the moon.. if you looked at the moon then they would come to your house and take you away....

    I also believed serial killers were people who came and stabbed your cereal boxes when you weren't home

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