
When you were at school, did the teachers like you

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...and when they told you off, did you laugh in their face? I did.




  1. erm. I don't remember being told off...

    Does that mean they liked me?

  2. All the Teachers are being nice to me,

    except my Spanish teacher!!

    she Caught me cheating on the test!! LOL

    plus she give 90+ :D

  3. Yes my teachers liked me. I was more mature then most of the kids in school, even as a teenager.  I was a virgin and dressed modestly.  I didn't dress like a prostitute like most of the girls in my school.  I didn't goof off during class.  I didn't talk back to my teachers.  I stayed out of trouble.  Most of the girls in my old school district lost their virginity at 10 years old.  I got good grades in school.  When I was in 11th grade, I completed American History in the 1st semester ahead of everyone else and got into Government in the 2nd semester. I worked on my American History during lunch during the first semester so I could get into Government in the second semester. I graduated high school twice, once in 2005 socially(meaning I got a diploma, graduated with my class, but my academics weren't counted), and in 2006 academically(My academics were counted).  I graduated with a 3.313 GPA and was inducted into the National Honor Society at 19 years old.

  4. all teachers liked me a lot

    becoz i m so s**y

    they used to flirt  

  5.   Yes,they liked me.because I was a very beautiful and

    intelligent girl in my school as they told publically.

  6. i'm a calm sort of guy, so teachers don't even know me very well. i hardly talk in class.  

  7. So so.. I still have problems with some..


  8. no but I didn't alf like one of me maths teacher = Mrs Jackson where are you know?

  9. They all loved me... except my chemistry pervy teacher and biology racist teacher. They couldn't tell me off 'cos I wagged their lessons too much.

  10. Well I Think So Why Such A Random Question Lol??

  11. i still go to school and im going in the 8th grade all of my 7th grade teachers hated me idkw they would tell me to stop talking and id just look at dem but if they tell me to do something more than twice then i gotta go M@D!N@ on dem if im really mad den i tell'em to shut-up

    all the peopel and teachers of detention know me lol

    but at home im really nice and do everything my parents tell me to do or else my mom hits me lol

  12. they loved me and especially living in a country like pakistan where teachers could beat u up...i never got beaten by any teacher :P and d**n u tweety :P ..ur not as sweet and innocent as u seem thru ur avatar

  13. well most of them liked me but only my bio teacher he hated me just cuz i was muslim he made me hate bio i swear

  14. nah all da teachs were good to me coz they thought i was clever jus coz i sat next to a real ****** brainbox.(my mate) so i hardly done any work and when i didnt do the work id sponge something off my mate and get away with it. all my teachers thought i was a nice little sweet innocent little p**i but i aint.

    anyway the teachers soon discovered that i werent such a nice grl right at da end of my school career when i went right off da rails in year 11. i wagged my stupid textiles lessons for the whole year!!! i'm seriuous but the teachers thought coz i was such a goody-goody two shoes dat i had a decent excuse so dey didnt bother to check why id done it straight away. but when dey decided that something was goin on i was put on report and i had to see da year head evri day.

    during dat time there were a coupl of incidents like 1 time instead of goin to my freakin p.e period i chilled out in da libary wiv my mate(the liberians didnt ask me for a pass coz dey thort i was a teachers pet ****** idiots) anyways wen i got caught i basically cried myself out of it literally, i started cryin in front of the teacher so she hugged me and let me off, she just said it was coz of exam pressure,so i just thort id take the excuse and get out scot-free. there were a lot of S****y stuf that iv done at scool dat iv gotten away wiv coz of my reputation as a ***-lickin *****.HA HA !!!

  15. Lol i'm still in school and most teachers like me with an exception of a few now i think i've grown up a lot but before i had some Good times with my teachers sleeping behind a book and then getting tapped on the head infront of everyone and when told off yeah i used to and still do laugh incontrollably......laughing do i stop??? =( LOl

    But now i guess since they are my elders they deserve my respect all the same....d**n I SOUND OLD!!! LOL

  16. yea i was sorta except by this welsh teacher she was a t**t head, wallah she hated me to her guts :S  (i don't know why btw, i was only 8 :P)

  17. I don't think they really cared. They didn't seem to like or dislike anyone. They just talked at us rather than to us.

  18. Yes, some had the hots for me.

    I was always a good girl so they never had to tell me off.

  19. I presume they liked me because none of them ever told me off.  

  20. i think most teachers liked me, lol. there was this one teacher who hated me tho and once she tried to humiliate me in front of my class...didnt work tho :P lol i didnt say anything but i was glaring bak at her the whole hour. lol.  

  21. yes,pretty much they did,,,i never got suspended or askd to leave class :)

  22. my form tutor thinks im perfect! i got two girls fired from being form captain then got me and my freind the job instead front of the lunch que

  23. Maximum did. And when I did get told off I was shocked because it was rare. I never liked being told off and always strove to please my teachers. I appreciated their work and respected them so much, way too much to laugh in their face.  

  24. my one teacher asked me if i was depressed bc i didnt ttalk to her in her class becausei  didnt like her.

    alot of my teachers told me off.

    and i talked right back.


  25. Yeah they liked me and I don't ever remember being told off!

  26. Hahaha no way did they like me, one called me a ***** nd said I had a black notebook with all guys numbers O_o

    What did I do.....?

    Punched him and threw a chair and ran outta the class room! :D

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