
When you were pregnant did your baby prefer the head down or feet down position?

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I am in my 3rd pregnancy and my little guy loves to be feet down. He alternates quite a bit but he usually goes back to that feet down position. I wish he would stay head down so that we could watch him kick and my husband and kids would be able to feel him kick. So, what was your baby's preference?




  1. My baby is almost always in the same position. He lays on my right side of my belly (It's always lopsided and firm there) and he kicks me in my lower left part of my belly. So he's a feet down baby. It sucks because he's always kicking me in the bladder... But everyone tells me that the ribs are worse so I guess I'm thankful for now. :)

  2. my daughter liked to be feet down, she liked it a little too much, she never turned and had to be c-sectiond as they dont deliver footling breech vaginaly. my son however wedged his head in the engaged position at around 33 weeks. they are still as different as night and day now :)

  3. I never knew! lol

    The only time I for surly knew where his head was when he had the hiccups.

  4. With all 3 pregnancies it has been head down.  My oldest son spent some time wit his feet down but not a lot, my second son was heads down at just about every appointment and by 24 weeks was dropped into position.  With this pregnancy I had one ultrasound at 23 weeks where he was heads up but the rest were always heads down and at 29 weeks the ultrasound showed him heads down pressing hard on my cervix with his head.  

  5. My son lay left (head) to right (feet) w/ his head a little lower then his feet.  Oh how he loved kicking in the ribs...but I wouldn't have traded it for the world.  :-D

  6. My baby was everywhere!

  7. My bubs loves to be head down, he's been head down since about 27 weeks, hasn't flipped (fingers crossed that doesn't change now!)

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