
When you were young what did you want to be when you grew up.?

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When you were young what did you want to be when you grew up.?




  1. a perfect mother..


  2. A business man. Now no because Bush spent are country into a recession. Mabey a meteorologist. If that doesn't work a fire fighter.

  3. A fashion designer <3 I still would love to but now it just seems like everyone & they're mom is trying to do it!

  4. Emperor

  5. A dental nurse, probably a school dental nurse,  

  6. I want to be a registered  NURSE.  But it's because of financial problem I was not able to achieve my goal.  But there is a good karma, now my daughter is already in 3rd year taking up nursing. And she is one of the best in school.  I didn't force her to be a nurse someday, it's only her decision. Isn't it life is meaningful?

  7. a mother :)

  8. A housewife.  Unfortunately back in those days most girls didn't aspire to be anything else and that was a shame because a lot of brain power and talent went to waste.

  9. A teacher (I have no idea why) or a nurse.  I would still love to go back to school to be something in the medical field.  Maybe EMS or somthing like that.  I doubt I ever will though.  I think I'm too old to start all over again in a profession or in school.

  10. When I was young I wanted to be a couple of things......I wanted to be a pianist or an artist..........................and yeah.......I wanted to be a vampire as well....................................... still do..........oh well...

  11. a graffiti artist but now i am a toy designer! who does graffiti at the weekneds yay!

    also thought i would get married to brad pitt but now i am bi- so go figure!

  12. I wanted to be a vet until I realised that i dislike a lot of animals, particularly ones that smell.  And I would just cry everytime something died.

  13. As far back as I can remember, I always wanted to be a gangster...Oh, I'm sorry, I thought this was the movie quote page!

    I never thought I'd be an engineer, but that's what I ended up doing, and i was really good at it.  I'm retired now (at 55) so I guess I can start being...a gangster!

  14. Ever since I was a young child, I've always wanted to be a ballet dancer or a teacher. I used to pretend to teach a class and I would walk everywhere on my toes. I still find myself walking on my toes, today :)

  15. a fireman because i liked fire, haha.

    now i just want to be successful, having my own place, debt free, and selling art =).

  16. a doctor cause I wanted to save lives. Now i'm into computers, psychology and opening up my own fashion buisness

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