
When you were younger, were you paranoid that your parents would die?

by Guest55641  |  earlier

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I remember I used to put my fingers under their nose to check if they were still breathing and I would check on them all the time lol.




  1. Of course, it wouldnt be natural if you didnt worry. I have left home and I still worry. I think when you have a close relationship with your parents it would be devastating to think about losing them and when you think about all the good times when they have been there for you. I used to cry in bed thinking about it. Everybody has to go at some stage but time heals and you do have your own life to think about.  

  2. Can I first say that I have never had a question stand out to me so much.I used to have nightmares about losing my mum. I still fear the day that will happen and what I will do without her.

  3. ahh bless, yeah i had dreams about them 2, worried so much as a child, was so silly, lost my dad when i was 15, youve gotta live your life while u have it..

  4. yep ... im 14 and still worry!!! lol  

  5. yep. my dad did though. i found him when i went to check.  

  6. yeah and i stil do

    i dont know how i could live without my family! x

  7. Yes...and then one of mine did die when I was 19, I still worry about the other one.

  8. no I didn't.   Try and live LIFE   don't let death, which we will all experience  and life the days we al have together. don't dwell on the somedays.

  9. OMG I DID THAT ALL THE TIME! Now i do it with my younger brother, especially after i beat hi up

  10. Yes i also used to worry about another world war breaking out.

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