
When you were younger did you ever get caught smoking? ?

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If so, what was your excuse?

Not that im gonna use that to my advantage or anything.

I was just thinking bout when my brother was younger and he got caught and I was really young so all I remember is that he was on the floor screamin and crying with my dad on top of him hitting him. It was a big mess and the cops came and everything.

He has never done that to me cuz im the only daughter out of three older brothers and I never get caught, or atleast I havnt yet...




  1. I got caught smoking when a news crew was covering  a story in the front of a convenience store.  My friends and I were in the BG buying cigarettes the whole time.  My parents saw it on the news that night.  There was no way to talk my way out of it - I was caught on tape.  And I couldn't use the lame "I was buying them for my friends since all my friends were there buying their own.

    2 years later that's how my parents found out I went to a concert without their permission...   I hate local news.

  2. I have never smoked before and I don't plan to. My uncle died from smoking.

  3. no i dont smoke

  4. no, cuz I'm still young but thanks for putting that in my head. Your what makes the US a joke ya know?

  5. Wow, that's a bit extreme. :S

    Yeah, after getting away with it for almost two years I got caught - then I got caught again - and then again..And so on. I didn't make up an excuse I just kept saying that I had quit - and eventually they realised it wasn't going to happen, so let me smoke! Mwahaha!

  6. Yes.....Well YOU do it.

    They couldn't argue with that. And I'm still happily smoking more than 25 years later!

  7. Too many people in my family smoke and now mums getting into it. All her friends smoke and I just can't believe people would even think about destroying their body like that.

    I have never smoked and I am absolutely petrified of it. STOP BEFORE YOU GET ADDICTED. Unless you already are in which case STOP!

  8. many time, but it never stopped me

  9. hahaha no i never did but im 18 now and my parents already know.  

  10. no i have never been caught smoking.

    i've only done it a couple of times with my friends. but thats it.  

  11. Yeah I was about 14 or so and my mom was a smoker so she just said "caught you"

    I still smoke to this day but I roll my own so I don't smoke as much. It sucks your father thinks beating his own kid would ever help.

    Really though, smoking is the worst and I hope you can quit because I sure as h**l cant.  

  12. 16 years old

    and SOBER! =D

  13. Don't smoke in front of them or in the house or where any one can see you or in front of any one who is going to squell on you dumb ***.

  14. no

  15. no, cause i m not smoking, i m not  stupid to smoke, also i m not a rich man to smoke, i need to spend my money on something useful, not smoking

  16. im 15 and ive already been caught smoking weed and cigs like 5 times

  17. I didn't ever smoke.  I always saw it as a messy, expensive habit that I didn't want to start.

  18. i was 13 and i just pretended like i didnt see my mom and i started coughing and i threw it on the ground and said IM NEVER DOING THIS AGAIN!!! and then stomped on. she didnt buy it

  19. I got caught smoking all the time even though I was brought up not to go near them! When my mum found out she made me go into the toilet and smoke 60 one after another. That didn't help though and I smoked from that day on!! I am now on my 24th day of not smoking and very proud of myself, maybe you should quit too before it affects your health and your family find out!

  20. I got caught in grade 8 on the way to school. My Dad pulled up beside me and a friend. He just said "theres no point in lying, I saw you. We'll discuss this after school." So I didn't bother making up excuses, just sat at my desk crying and feeling sick all day, lol

  21. I never got caught smoking cigarettes, because they are so nasty that I never WANTED to smoke cigarettes. Only trashy people who are not educated enough to realize the importance of good health smoke cigarettes these days. I DID smoke a lot of pot when I was in high school, and my parents found my pipe. They "confiscated" it from me - hid it in their closet - as soon as they left the house, I found it and threw it away. They never went crazy like your dad did though, they always stayed calm and collected.

  22. quit, it will change your life forever.

  23. Nope never

  24. first time i got caught smoking weed at 15 i just said ill never doit again and never said anything about it again  

  25. I didnt need an excuse. hahahahahahah

    Or just say I have a headache

  26. I smoked cigarettes and pot.

    When I did get caught, smelling like either, it was always my friends that were doing it - not me. Or, I was in the car and my friends parents were smoking.

    However, these excuses didn't work many times as eventually they would talk to me about my choice in friends.

    No excuse ever works for long when you're doing something that is wrong. Work harder on making the right choices than on making up bogus excuses.  


  28. The first time I got caught smoking a cigarette, I just got yelled at. Now I smoke in front of my parents and they don't care.

  29. Yes I did.  My mom made me smoke the entire pack in front of her, one after another.  Her thought was to make me sick so I wouldn't smoke, it didn't work I smoke today and do need to quit.

  30. well im 14 but no

    i did smoke but im too smart to get caught  

  31. I don't smoke.

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