
When you write a book, how do you write it?

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When you are writing a book, do you write it out on paper like in a notebook or do you type it? how do you do it? what do you think is the easiest way to do it?




  1. The first notes are usually on notebook paper, napkins, computer paper - basically anything I can get my hands on.

    For plotting it out, planning the characters, et cetera, it's done on the computer. (The information is stored on my computer, a flash drive and it's e-mailed to myself so I'm basically guaranteed to never lose it.) It's easier, at least for me, to go back and find things, edit things and add new bits and still be extremely organized.

  2. I type it just because I'm the kind of person who has to have a professional environment. I used to love writing down in a notebook, but I can't stand that anymore. Plus, typing is just much faster than writing it down. What takes you three months in a notebook could probably take you a month and a half on the computer.  

  3. I love to type it out. That way I can get all my ideas written down faster. It's also neater when I start editing.  

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