
When you write a letter to the editor, aren't they suppose to print it in the paper?

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The paper in our community is REAL biased




  1. Sometimes they do and sometimes they don't. Whether or not to put it in the paper is up to the Editor.

  2. Every newspaper, even a small one, receives many more letters than it can use.  An editor does read them all.  Remember that space is limited to a page or two, and not all of them will fit.  The selection is made in various ways.  For one thing, is it a letter of general interest?  Have other letters already been printed on the same subject?  Does this letter make an interesting point, or provide new information that the readers should know about?  Is the letter short and to the point, or does it ramble?  If someone knew nothing about this subject before, would they understand it better after reading this letter or would they just say "huh?"   Does the letter make any unfair accusations, or make any statements that could be libelous?  

    If it sounds difficult to get a letter into the paper, no, it's really not.  And in fact, most papers print lots of letters every day.  But no newspaper could print every letter it receives.  The best that can be hoped for is to present an interesting assortment every day.  

  3. not if they don't like it

  4. they get to choose which letters they print.  it's their paper.  you are depending on them.  do a blog and publish it yourself to get your opinion out there.

  5. Our city paper receives something like 10,000 letters (emails) per week.

    Not practical to print all, but your paper should print a cross section of opinions. Otherwise your paper doesn't deserve to exist.

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