
When younger i recall being able to levitate. But how could such an act be performed?

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When younger i recall being able to levitate. But how could such an act be performed?




  1. If the mind was more powerful maybe! superman can do it!

  2. uve bin watching too much david blaine n chris angel??????????!!!!!!!

  3. actially i kno a guy who can levitate and yes i saw it with my own eyes and no im not crazy.  his whole family can.. levitation can only be dont by a select few who are in tune enough with everything to do so.  you should try to do it again.  you have to have energy so eat some food first.  next you force all of your energy into your chest lightly you should not have any energy anyware other than your chest and if it dosent work than im sorry but its worth a shot. =)

  4. Probably a spirit was lifting you up.

  5. Levitation, floating in the air, and flying by flapping one's arms are all common themes of dreams.  Most people experience one or the other from time to time.  Memories can easily confuse real past events with dreams.


  6. That's what it felt like once when I float upward, felt like I levitated and floated around the room in the sleeping position looking upward. I think I astral projected.

    Perhaps your spirit astral projected since you were aware of it, sounds similar.

  7. you're not alone.   i have a video of when i was around 18 months old, not been walking long, and quite out of the blue i'm clearly seen hovering about 4 inches off the ground for around 5 seconds.   you can tell by my expression that i was completely oblivious to this, as if it was just the normal thing to do.

    i wasn't shown the video until my teens and only then after a lot of "counselling" from my parents as they thought it would have an adverse effect on my well being.   it did take me some time to come to terms with it but no long lasting damage...   hold on....  gonna have to go...  the men are coming with my medication, speak soon x x x

  8. LSD in your cornflakes, please discuss this with your parents!

  9. same thing happened to me when i was 6 years old since i have it until now and i hope until  the end some people are more predisposed to astral then others why i have no clue but if you say physically levitate never heard of it only David Blane is capable of such thing

  10. You cannot defy the laws of gravity.You can however relax and use your mind to feel you can levitate.

    By concentrating ,this is possible and, as Mr Spock would say-fascinating!!!!!

  11. To date nobody has been able to demonstration levitation by psychic means. Good probability that you're just recalling past dreams or daydreams from your youth. I used to have a lot of levitation dreams myself.

  12. imagination

  13. Breaking away from what you are taught to think reality is.

  14. it was proberly an astral would not have been your actual body levitating......

  15. Memory is a funny thing, it can be altered and manufactured on the fly, and the person recalling an event will swear thier memory is what actually happened.

    A great experiment I saw once demonstrated this. They claimed they were testing a new flyer for disney land and wanted adult who had visited disneyland as a child to view the flyer, then they were asked questions. In the flyer, amongst other pictures was a picture of a guy in a big bugs bunny costume shaking hands with kids.

    When the people were asked a series of questions, 8 out of 10 could swear they had met bugs bunny at disney land, even though bugs bunny is not a disney character and they could not have met him there.

    How old were you when you recall levitating. If you were very young, chances are you recall being lifted up and being carried around by your parents. Otherwise you might be recalling dreams, or fantasies.

    Chances are, you are not recalling actual events which occured, but embellishing moments which are loosely related to your current manufactured memories.

  16. Perhaps you've made a "terrible mistake" since then and angered the magician's alliance?

  17. You were drunk

  18. You are either a liar or completely delusional.

    I do not see a point to make up a lie that everyone knows false. Is it for attention?

  19. I still can occasionally, but I'm afraid I can't reveal the secret.

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