
When your arguing, do you share the bed with your partner or is it the couch?

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Aww that's nice Kev ;) lol




  1. No matter how big the argument we always sleep in the same bed. I just cant sleep if hes not next to me and he wont leave me alone about going to sleep with him. We have had our share of fights and have never in 8yrs slept in different places.

  2. when me and hubby argues, he still sleeps w/me in bed, but if its a major argument. then usually i will go into our spare room that we have for guests for when they come over to stay in.

  3. I pay the mortagage so would you care to wager a guess as to where I sleep?

    And frankly she'll get into bed too. I don't give a d**n...just stay on your side and leave me alone. That's all I ask.

  4. funny enough we have never ever had an argument over anything but sometimes i can get a bit S****y with him.we made a pack before we married that we would never go to bed on an arguement and any issues we have are sorted out before bedtime.i could not bear to share a bed with someone if we were so angry with one another that we would be sleeping far apart from each other.

  5. no we share a bed, but only because my hub is a butt and tells me if i don't want to be around him i can take the couch... but soon i'll have a 5 bedroom house so we can just have seperate rooms when it happens again

  6. Kevin and I have the best relationship ever I would never allow that gorgeous man to sleep in the couch.I just bake.

  7. My fiance refuses to let me sleep anywhere but in the bed with him. He won't go to sleep without me. I tried to sleep on the floor once but he wouldn't shut the light off. I was furious!

  8. I still get into bed with him, why should I have a bad nights sleep!!.

    Also sometimes it also dissipates the argument and we have a kiss and make up!!!

  9. I have always believed you should never end the day on an argument . And go to bed not talking . You never know what may happen . And you may never get the chance to retract anything thats said .

  10. Same bed.  We have had a couple of doozies but never have we ended up not sleeping next to each other.  Actually, we always get it resolved before going to sleep.  I refuse to let him sleep until things are resolved and thankfully, he likes that.  :o)  

  11. we sleep in the same bed regardless. just because we argued doesn't mean i love him any less. i have never understood the whole sleep on the couch when you are mad thing!

  12. My husband refuses to sleep elsewhere but the bed when we're arguing, and even not talking. He says if we're fighting, sleeping separately isn't going to change anything, and pretty much makes things worse between us.

  13. I can't do arguments that carry over night, I have to have them back in bed lol...I'm a softie. He's tried sleeping on the couch loads and I drag him back!

  14. I still share the bed.  I let him go to sleep first & I stay up drinking & being mad.  Then I go to bed & kick him a lot while blaming it on having a nightmare :-)

  15. We don't even remember why we argued in the first place, we Don't hold grudges and it was established right in the beginning that we do not go to bed or anywhere else angry. married 14 yrs. We would probably end up on the couch together anyway.

  16. My dad was on the couch

  17. My husband refuses to let either one of us sleep anywhere else than the bed, even when we are fighting... Which is fine by me... Half the time it gives me an opportunity to gumble at him while I am falling asleep and then we will often discuss things late into the night...  

  18. wa haha

    nice one!

    my husband goes to another room!

    sometimes when he gets too stubborn, i go to another room rather than  saying "hey you go!"---huh, cannot be bothered to say a word!

  19. aaaaaaalways go to bed together. we make a wall in the middle with the duvet!! been together 10 years now, and guaranteed he will always puts his arms around me in the night while he thinks im asleep!! ( but actually im awake, cus i cant sleep when we argue).  

  20. unfortunatley i get the couch but hey, its a lot better that sleeping with scum bag!

  21. sleeping seperately can make things worst. sleep in the same bed even if no touching is involved. things happen while asleep and things can get fixed :-)

  22. when you say your vows before god they are for better or worse even if not married in my eyes. if you have spoke to yr mother or someone you truley love 1 day and they are gone the next you know what im talking about always sleep together you will gwt over the fussing

    just takes time always kiss goodnight before going to sleep and say i may be mad but i still ove you and leave it at that no other discussion.  you NEVER know when your or your mates time will be up BE SAFE THAN SORRY

  23. If you can take some advice from someone who has been married for 23 years and shared the same bed for just over 25 years....

    NEVER EVER EVER go to sleep angry with your partner.  This rule will keep your relationship viable.

    We both follow this rule and I have only slept on the couch in my den because I was working late and didn't want to wake anyone else in the house by walking up the creaky stairs.. never because I didn't want to be in bed with my wife.

    I once slept on the couch because my wife was visiting her family without me ( I had a deadline and couldn't go). I coulnd't fall asleep in the bed without my wife in it... weird huh?

  24. My husband and I always go to bed together! Even if we fall asleep angry at eachother, I can guarantee that we end up cuddling by morning and waking up with a kiss and i love you. even though we're fighting, we still love eachother and want to be close, we don't hate eachother. now, if the b*****d cheated on you then the d**k can sleep on the porch ...

  25. We share the bed together....Or fall asleep on the couch "together" lol. We don't go to sleep angry. And no matter what... before we go to sleep we ALWAYS make sure to tell the other one we love them.

  26. My partner soon falls asleep so i give her a 10 minute head start to bed then creep in quietly (works every time)

  27. ive always been told to never go to bed angry (thats the hardest thing sometimes one night when we were arguing my fiance told me that he refuses to go to sleep mad or not without giving me a kiss even if i dont want to kiss him back. (even if i try to cover my face h**l sneak in anyway) and every night for the past year and a half hes kept that promise.

    but no, so far he hasnt been demoted to the couch..  

  28. Well, he usually just falls asleep on the couch anyway...I just go to bed by myself. If we do go to bed, I usually give him a few minutes, he falls asleep, then I go to bed and stare at the ceiling. Certainly not saying this is how it should be done. It's sad and lonely to go to bed upset.

  29. we don't go to bed until we've made up, neither of us can sleep if we go to bed angry

  30. Bed... We dont sleep on couches in my house.  The bed is big enough for him to sleep without touching me.  

  31. Me and Betty have never argued, if she's not happy she just bakes more cookies and cakes.

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