
When your baby outgrows their carrier carseat then ?

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do you still have to put their carseat in the middle of the backseat? because the law is here that the infant carseats have to be in the middle of the backseat so they are safer but when they outgrow it and you start using a forward facing carseat do they still have to be in the same place?




  1. You should actually check with your states laws, because they are different in every state, and in some states it is against the law to have the baby in the center of the car.

  2. I definitely recommend that you put it int he middle still, especially if they are still facing backward, which is recommended until they are at least one year old AND 20-30 pounds. I would also recommend having it in the middle when front facing for as long as possible. Parents often end up moving them to the sides because more children come along and it is common for the youngest child to be in the middle.

    Whenever I think about what a hassle it is fasting her in the middle seat, I think of how much worse it would be if we were in an accident and I lost her...

  3. The laws are different in each state.  If I were you, I'd contact my local police or fire department, they would know what the laws are for your area.

    However, a baby is still safest in the middle, no matter what kind of seat they are in!

    Good Luck!

  4. Yeah, everyone knows the safest place is in the middle of the backseat...but is it really the law????  Some cars only have the "latch" system on either side of the backseat (like our Camry) so we had to install the carseat on one of the sides.  Plus what if you have two kids in carseats?  If you have side airbags, you just deactivate them (curtain airbags are different).  I think you should check with your local police/fire department and even have them help you install the new carseat and you'll have peace of mind that it was done securely and in a "lawful" location.  

  5. there is no law that says your baby MUST be in the middle of the back seat...that is just a recommendation because the middle of the back seat is safest.  it is also recommended to keep your baby rear facing as long as possible, even if you switch to a convertible car seat.

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