
When your carry on goes thru the xray machine.....?

by Guest34473  |  earlier

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should you remove your laptop from the bag or can it safely pass thru the xray machine without messing it up?




  1. As long as the laptop is turned off and in its case when it goes under the x-ray machine it will be fine! I bring laptops on all of my trips!

  2. If you are traveling in the US the TSA will require your laptop to be out of its case and on its own in a bin, so you may be required to remove it.

    Regardless, I've sent mine through dozens of times with no adverse effects.

    Safe travels!

  3. You are required to remove your laptop from it's case or carry-on bag and place it in a separate bin for x-ray, and no, the x-ray machine will not cause any damage to your laptop.

  4. Yes it is safe to send it thru.

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