
When your colitis flairs, what do you do??

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In a homeopathic way? Does drinking aloe juice help? Anything would be of great assistance. I don't have insurance.




  1. Some diet recommendations include ones that are low in:

        * fat

        * fiber

        * spices

        * dairy products

    There is some indication omega-3 fatty acids effects on inflammation may be beneficial for this disease, the research is inconclusive at this point.

  2. My solution has always been 1) get out of the stressful situation I'm in; 2) quit eating the problem food and 3) get my bowels moving.

    Assuming it's not ulcerative, psyllium seeds or Agar-agar (seaweed) help get the colon working, along with plenty of water. Yes, some people get relief from Aloe juice. It won't make it worse and it's worth a try. Ginger seems to help me - I eat the crystalized kind. Acidophilus helps some, too.

    Oh, yes, it helps to GENTLY rub the painful area of the abdomen with an anti-spasmodic essential oil like Basil or Anise, diluted in olive oil or other carrier oil.

  3. Ok first of all stop eating fats, refined carbs, sugars, all these things make it so much worse.  When it's not flaired up you want to eat a lot of fibers and protiens with little fats and only complex carbs.  Though right now with it flaired a lot of fiberous foods will cause it to hurt and hurt really badly.   The absolute best thing would be if you had some kind of opiates around it would be good to take them so it makes you a little constipated and plus it will take some of the pain away.  Aloe juice will help with the inflammation in a good way but the best thing to take would be licorice real licorice not like licorice flavored twizzlers or jelly beans.  Also eat very little and if you can fast, fast on only the clearest of fruit juices you can find like white grape juice but not much of it and licorice.  Fast untill it feels better and then start off eating small meals, very small meals like 6 times a day.  

  4. Consulting with a homeopath certified in classical homeopathy ( will not only naturally resolve the symptoms of your colitis flare-ups, but the disease process itself.

    There is always an emotional counterpart to physical symptoms, and a homeopath will sit with you for an hour or two to discuss your current health problems, past health history, life and family situation, stresses, family health history, your constitutional symptoms (foods you like, quality of sleep, weather preferences, etc.). All of these combined affect health.

    One caution: Homeopathy is the philosophy and reason for giving a remedy, not the remedy itself. A lot of professional practitioners use homeopathic remedies, when the patient is not receiving homeopathy. Homeopathy is so readily available that remedies are combined with practices involving kinesiology (muscle testing), hair analysis, chelation therapy, radionics, acupuncture, etc. It is none of these things. Someone who combines the use of homeopathic remedies with other healing modalities reflects a first-aid and acute care knowledge equivalent to that which is available to the consumer.

    For optimal (homeopathic) results, it's important to find someone whose practice is 100% classical homeopathy, without any adjunctive healing modalities.

    Homeopathy can empower you to again enjoy good health, for life. It is usually not covered by insurance, yet well worth the financial investment - provided you do your homework finding a certified homeopath. ("CCH" are the credentials that follow a practitioner's name and signify the certification that matters.)

    Best wishes.

  5. There is a natural remedies for ulcerative colitis that is not approved by the FDA because it’s not a drug,  that said this is it:

    1) Probiotics    by

    Probiotics, "friendly" bacteria that reside in the gut, have been found to be effective in managing ulcerative colitis. They help control the number of potentially harmful bacteria, reduce inflammation, and improve the protective mucus lining of the gut. you can look it up.

    2) Omega-3 Fatty Acids

    Some studies have found that omega-3 fatty acids, found in fish oil capsules, may reduce inflammation in people with ulcerative colitis.

    3) Oral Aloe Vera Gel

    Aloe vera gel has been found in studies to have an anti-inflammatory effect. The Aloe Vera Juice is the most controversial  because it threatens drug profits.

    I should tell you to always consult a doctor before take anything, but when he/she tells you that its safe and you try it and you get the results! you should ask yourself one good question. Why didn’t the doctor tell you about this in the first place? (There are a lot of posers week products out there so you can find all of the real products above at if you e-mail me I'll show you how to get 30% off) God Loves you and bless you dear.

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