
When your confidence gets thrown back, how do you stand?

by Guest31978  |  earlier

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your confidence immediatly drops.

problem with me is i do not have a lot of confidence deep down insidemy heart i know i do but outside i really dont.

when i try to think positive and think yes i can do this and have confidence, when something does not go my way it immediatly drops my confidence to lower level and think why did i bother even try to have confidence in the first place?

is there anyway i can maintaine my confidence even when ive failed in something and it wouldnt break my confidence i just want a steady confidence and think yes i failed i can move and stil have confidence?




  1. I'm going through this too.

    You need to do things that make you happy and occupy your mind (like watching tv or listening to music).

    If you have negative thoughts about yourself try thinking of positive things about yourself.

    My sister has recommended that I try Yoga.

    Really just learn to control your mind.

    If that is too hard go seek help from a professional.

    I hope it works out for you like I hope it works out for me. :)

  2. do not worry much. take it easy, be happy. you cannot do or control anything. Light dawns for those who believe in themselves and in God.

    Pray to God, He will surely help you out some how.

    PUSH = Pray Until Something Happens

    good luck

  3. Easy, make several plans so that when things dont go the way that you thought they would you have backup plans that you are confident enough about to put into action.

    There are a few facts of life

    1/ getting what you want

    2/ not getting what you want

    3/ change

    4/ birth

    5/ death

    6/ desease or old age

  4. See u are the only one who can solve this problem.This problem is psychological.once i also felt same, but now i had made up my mind that whether u succeed or fail its all destiny.U have no control on why to be happy or feel sad. Just give in ur best shot always and rest in to be decided.So u can only help ur self and yes try meditation and yogas they really helps a lot.Try being in joy environment, talk to people who r encouraging and optimistic.

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