
When your in the peace corps do they provide meals and shelter? or are you expected to provide all necessities

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with your own money? do you get some type of allowance?




  1. It varies. You get what is called a living allowance for day to day things. It puts you in the lower middle class for the country; you ride a bus instead of owning a motorcycle and you don't go to Starbucks.

    My daughter (and every other PCV in Peru) has a host family. They give her a room in their house and she shares meals with them. She gives her host parents money.

    I got a hut for free, just like all of the other teachers at my boarding school, in return for doing more than teaching. We chaperoned the kids at night and weekends. I cooked for myself one year, when I had a small hut, and with two of my fellow teachers when I shared a three-bedroom house with them.

    You get a vacation allowance and a re-adjustment allowance. You won't come out of it richer than you went in (financally, at least; you should have a couple of million-dollar memories) but it won't cost you money to be a volunteer.

  2. You get a certain amount of money each month.  This varies country to country.  They give you money for food and transportation.  Depending on the country you're placed in you either are given housing or you are given money to find and pay rent on your own housing.  They also give you vacation allowance.

  3. My sister was in Peace Corps. She was paid enough to live on (food and shelter) for the country she was living in. She was there to teach business and had to fund her own training materials.

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