
When your on the train why do people not want to make eye contact with others?

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people seem scared of each other or afraid to interact with someone they don't know. why is this?




  1. Hm interesting question. I think making eye contact feels like intruding the other ones privacy.

  2. Because they have boring little lives and they are afraid that if you where to strike up a conversation with them you might realize that they are indeed dead boring.


    They usually think only freaks crazy's and weirdo's catch the train.

    but of course they never consider them selves to be that.

  3. Here in London we have whats called paper faces, its where people hide there entire faces with Masses and masses of paper and pretend there reading it, they can't possibly be reading it because the paper is 12 foot across, but then also people have been brainwashed by government controlled media into thinking that someone WILL stab them, or the tube WILL blow up, or they WILL have to be friendly to someone, and you know the government started all the fear so they can control us in the future with id cards and chips, that's why people don't look at each other, we simply don't care anymore about our fellow humans, watch zeitgeist on youtube , it will open your eyes, in 20 years not only will we not be looking at or speaking to any strangers, but we will be afraid to leave the house. LIve in fear/live like slaves, thats the way its going now.

  4. there seem to be so many ferals and crazies on trains and trams, u don't want to connect with them.

    it's a shame because there are prob so many Oks on transport too!

  5. I don't make eye contact cause im worried somebody might actually try to sit next to me (don't like sitting with strangers) or they might actually wanna talk.. Pffft

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