
When your opponent plays heavystorm can you activate D.D dynamite?

by  |  earlier

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If your opponent plays heavy storm and you have dd dynamite could you activate your traps or are they all destroyed and don't work?




  1. you can activate any face down cards you may have, provided they are spell speed 2 or higher (quick play spells or any traps) and they have met their conditions for activation (eg, you cannot activate mirror force in response to heavy storm but you could activate limit reverse) ... DD dynamite would be a perfectly acceptable response to heavy storm ... hope this helps

  2. u can chain D.D. dynamite to heavy storm, therefore they will resolve in reverse order.

    1.       your opponent lose 300x life points

    2.       heavy storm wipes the field

  3. you can chain any ability you want.  it resolve in reverse order.  if you have a macro on field at same time, DD will resolve, but heavy does not count because it is still "resolving".  any ability you activite to chain will work(threatening, MST, magical dimention DD dynamite etc) but none of them hit the graveyard until ALL ability of the chain have resolved.

  4. If you write down the exact name of both of those cards then I'll be able to answer that.

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