
When your plate has different foods on it do you usually mix all the foods?

by  |  earlier

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  1. I sometimes mix the food up darling.

  2. only the mashed potatos, corn, and gravy for whatever reason

    but it doesn't bug me if they 'touch', lol

  3. nope. I eat all of one and so on

  4. Depends on what's on the plate. Usually if I want my food all mixed up I'll just make a casserole.

  5. No, I don't like to mix my foods on my plate; I will take a small taste of everything once and then I eat all of one thing before moving on to the next.  About the only time I will mix my food, and I don't do this often, is I will sometimes mix my peas and mashed potatoes together.


  6. no...because I can feel what Im eating when its all mixed up

  7. No! Everything must be separate and if it is something that should be mixed like a sauce with rice I do it bite by bite...I am a little neurotic.

  8. yeah sometimes depeding whats on the plate.

  9. sometimes

  10. No I can't stand for my food to touch on my plate.  

  11. depends on the food.  But the majority of the time i do.

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