
When your pregnant does this happen to you??

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do your areolas get bigger around? like take up more space around your b***s? also my period is supposed to be sunday and on last sunday and for a few days I had very bad cramps but no period it was not time yet. could that be a sign of pregnancy too?




  1. yes, and yes.. me and my husband were trying to conceive for 3 months and i was waiting for my period and i was sure it was coming because i was having really bad cramps and i was on vacation so i was waiting waiting and no period when i got home i took a test and i was pregnant.... and my areolas also got bigger! good luck to you!

  2. Yes to both.  

  3. yes to both, take a test.

  4. my husband calls them pizza b***s (they get white and big with peperoni's!) ew

  5. yup

  6. your aerolas get bigger and darker and bumpy

  7. yes, and yes

  8. Before I found out I was pregnant, I had period like cramps starting the week before I was due.  I was sure I was going to start at any time and never did.  And also, my b***s always hurt before my periods and this time they didn't hurt at all and I'm a D.  So, it sounds possible that you could be pregnant!  Good luck and best wishes!

  9. i'm experiencing the same thing. i think i might be pregnant again and have been getting light cramping in my back and tummy for last couple of days.

    if you don't get your period take a test and see

  10. Yes they will get bigger and yes you will experiance cramps around period time. Your body is fighting the period You will feel like you will start your period and you are on your period although your having no periods

  11. yep!!! good luck!

  12. Yes to both questions...  

  13. Yes, it can be a sign.  Just go to the doctor and good luck

  14. i am eight weeks and yes my areolas look bigger around as well.

    some women have implantation cramps right before their missed period but if you are a week late then you should be able to take a home pregnancy test and see!

  15. yes, mine were 1 to 2 weeks after conception!

  16. yes to both questions, your b*****s change tremendoulsy, :-)

  17. yes they get bigger and darker....atleast mine did. they are supposed to..its a natural thing that happens to your body while you are pregnant to attract the baby to the nipple for breastfeeding. Implantation cramps are a sign of pregnancy. Thats how I found out I was pregnant with my first. I was getting periodlike cramps for a few days w/ no period.....googled and did some research on it and realized it was a pregnancy symptom. I took a test and sure enough it was positive.  

  18. yes, these are both signs of pregnancy! congrads!  

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