
When your sick is it true that if you actually think about getting better you will?

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I heard about a theory that says that if your sick you should think with your mind about you actually beating the germs/bacteria/virus, it actually helps? I have been using that method when I feel I am on the virge of getting sick and now I haven't been sick in over 3 years. Give me your thoughts. Thank you.




  1. I'm sick right now with pink eye, so if you get an answer please tell me.

  2. you are not sicks.only your will power are allways good about faith of love.

  3. Yes, because your mind has a lot to do with your physical being. If you are happy and not worried about anything, thinking that you can heal yourself, then you obviously will! :)

  4. The mind is powerful. Using this tactic wont instantly cure your illness, but it does help combat the sickness.

  5. The movie "What the #$*! Do We (K)now!?"  is a great movie to learn about doctors' opinions on how powerful the mind is. It has a story line to it, but it totally makes you look at your brain a different way. It talks about sicknesses and emotions being controlled by what you think!

  6. It can work.

    You can think you are getting better and it will happen.

    If a woman thinks she is pregnant for over a long period of time it is a proven fact that her body will take on all the symptoms of her being pregnant, however, she will never have a baby inside her. She will get fatter and get sick, have mood swings, but not actually be pregnant.

    Its actually really weird!

  7. It's generally true that positive thinking is better for you than negative thinking.  This doesn't mean it's a catchall cure for anything though.  You can't just think you'll get better and then get over your cancer or something like that.  On a related note, here's a link to an article about the effects of prayer and healing.  As it turns out, prayer has no effect on healing, and being told that you're being prayed for actually makes you WORSE.

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